S.Whit's Place

Welcome! I hope you enjoy your visit.
Updated August 21, 2001
Hi, this is S. Whit,
I started this page on 06/16/98.
If you want to you can find out a little
about me.
to my cyber friend and guru, Shirley,
Shirley Thinks, for all her help
in getting this far and for the help to come.
Thanks Shirley!
My interests are eclectic,
but here I will deal with
my cats, education,
and a little cooking.
Millions of unwanted animals are killed
every year or suffer because
they live their lives on the streets.
Please don’t add to this problem!
Your pets health is extremely important!
For older pets it is even more important that
their health be checked regularly.
Please read the latest information I discovered on
Wellness Testing and Geriatric Profiles for Pets
at Shirley Thinks and take your pet
to your Veterinarian for a checkup.
Meet My Furchildren and
visit the Memorial to my Furchildren
at the Rainbow Bridge.
My cats,
Cinnamon, Baldwin and Gus
now have their own home page.
You can visit them by
clicking on their banner.
If you are in the mood to
stir something up in the kitchen visit
Chef Whit
for one of my favorite recipes.
You can find more wonderful recipes on
the Wild About Chocolate Ring at Chef Whit or
if you like coffee and want a recipe
with coffee in it visit my coffee page
and the Aroma of Coffee Ring.
See the Awards
I have received.
If you like language
and the strange things words do sometimes,
you will enjoy the Oxymorons.
Rub the cats nose to make him talk.