The Lancaster's
"The Lord has told you, what is good; He has told you what He wants from you: to do what is right to other people, loving being kind to others, and live humbly, obeying your God." Micah 6:8
"But as for me and my family we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15
Let us introduce ourselves...
Greg & Melinda
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Now that you've seen our faces we will share more about ourselves. We are a family of three, originally from Michigan. Over the past fifteen years we have made Spring Hill, Tennessee our home. Greg has a B.A. degree in Management and Human Relations. He recently retired from General Motors after 31 years. He has a small business called "Don't Fret Repair And Design." Most of what he does includes: setups, repair work, and customizing guitars. He is also a minister and the co-founder of "Don't Faint Ministries." When he has free time he enjoys playing the guitar, and listening to jazz music.
I (Melinda) have a Doctorate degree in Practical Theology. I stay busy as a mom/minister/musician/writer and more recently as a web designer/webmaster. You can visit Don't Faint Ministries or the Just Give Me Jesus Without The Junk websites to get to know me better.
Just Give Me Jesus Without The Junk
Gregory is a freshman at the University of Alabama. He is "on the move" constantly and has enough energy for all three of us and then some. He loves to read, listen to contemporary Christian music, and play sports . He is an excellent guitar player and can sing better than he cares to admit. Right now he aspires to become a lawyer.
We were blessed with Frankie who is a miniature dachshund in March of 2000. He brings so much joy. He is "mama's boy" and Gregory's "little brother." He follows us almost anywhere we go and is very loved and perhaps a little bit spoiled. He is a very faithful companion and very sweet.
The common thread weaved through our lives is that of having God as our Heavenly Father, Jesus as our Savior and Lord, and the Holy Spirit as our Teacher and Helper. Greg and I were Christians when we met in 1984. My mother invited him to church, we met and were married five months later. We knew that God had brought us together as companions but had no idea of our spiritual future. Greg was already pursuing a call to ministry preaching, teaching and counseling people.
God blessed us with Gregory in 1990 who has been a continual source of joy in our lives. Shortly after he was born I began writing sermons in notebooks though I was certain they would never be preached. God was dealing with me about preaching, teaching, and reaching but I fought vigorously against Him. Suffice it to say God won. We founded "Don't Faint Ministries" in 1995 and all three of us share duties preaching, teaching, counseling as well being musicians and singers. We are currently developing a multi-faceted website which will be the home of "Don't Faint Ministries." It is a place where we believe that many will find strength and encouragement for their lives.
As you
read on you will see that we are a family has been through and is still working
at overcoming some big obstacles. Thus our
house is a "house of praise" for we feel truly blessed
to be a family. It is also a "house of prayer." Prayer
has not been a factor in our lives. It has been the KEY factor.
Oswald Chambers says "Prayer does not fit us for the greater
work, prayer is the greater work."
Philippians 4:6 says "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by
prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made
known to God."
Thessalonians 5:17 says "Pray continually; giving thanks in
all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ
you are in a position where you feel unable to reach God. If so
you need an intercessor. An intercessor is someone who
intercedes, mediates, pleads, praying on behalf of another. This
goes beyond the act of simple prayer as the intercessor is
actually "burdened" for whoever they pray for so much
so that they are "compelled" to pray, pray, pray until
the burden is lifted from them. The Hebrew word for intercessor
is paga' and implies
that of a supplicant catching up with a superior, and reaching
him with an urgent request. Intercessory prayer involves reaching
God and asking for His favor in a strong urgent way.
If you need help
praying about something or need someone to pray for you please feel free to
contact us at the email address listed below:
"The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:17
©2008 Melinda Lancaster