This web-site was created to keep all my freinds and family in touch with Me and each other. Many of us have 'grown up' and 'moved out', and we all want to know what's going on in each others lives. These days most of us are too busy to call everyone, so I wanted to do something to make it a little easier to keep tabs on your familiy and your friends.
This Orientation page will help you become acquainted with the Base and all we have to offer you.
Again...Welcome to Moon Base Alpha! I hope you enjoy your stay.
What's New catalogs the most recent additions and changes to the Moon Base. We are always changing and expanding so stop here first so you don't miss anything new!
A new addition to the Moon Base is the Moon Base Commander's Log where I will frequently post personal thoughts, greetings, and such.
Please be sure to register with Moon Base Authority (my guestbook) so we can have a record of your visit.
Hailing Frequencies is the Moon Base Message Board. Post a message to a freind or relative, ask a question, share a recent photo, what ever you want.
Simon's Space is devoted to my Dachshunds, Simon & Sadie. See what they hava been up to and learn more about Dachshunds. This page has grown so large that it is now it's own seperate webpage.
TheKiddie Krater is a page devoted exclusivley to Kids especially yours. We feature photos and news about the littlest members of Moon Base Alpha.
Moon Base Bulletin features recent news from the Base including information about myself, my family and friends.
The Moon Base Directory has a listing of email and web addresses for those Space Travelers who wish to keep in touch.
Moon Base Events is a list of up-coming birthdays, anniversaries, and events scheduled for the present month.
Have you seen the Moon Base Menegarie? These are cyber-pets I have adpoted on-line. Visit this page and find out how to get your own.
Stop by The Lunar Lounge for a little culture and refreshment in a groovy atmosphere. Experience OPEN MIC NITE where I feature an artistic or poetry related website.
My Family Tree features pictures of my immediate and extended family as well as some geneology.
On the Awareness, Causes and Charities page you will see some of the ribbons I have collected as well as links to sites about causes I have found particularly heart touching and worthy.
Our Museum showcases awards the Moon Base has received as well as awards I have recieved participating in various on-line competitions.
Like animals? The Pet Page includes photos, links and stories about pets and wild animals.
The Pictures Pages feature photos I have taken on vacation, at home or even pictures you have sent me. Take a look in here to see how I live up here in "The North".
Scott's Biking Page includes stuff about mountain biking, racing, and features pictures of recent races we have attended. This page has gotten so big, I moved it to its own independent website.
Visit the Web-Rings of Saturn to see some of the web-rings MOON BASE ALPHA is a member of.
The Shuttleport is your ticket to the galaxy! These are some of our favorite links. Links are grouped in categories of interest.
The Hive is a little page dedicated to STING.
This page updated on September 24, 2001