Moon Base Commander's Log
Base Commander Allison
Star Date 02.08.2001
BEGIN TRANSMISSION*** I am going to try and make it a habit to write a little something here each week. So I am just gonna jump right in and start...things at the house are relatively calm. As calm as can be expected with 2 weiner dogs, 3 cats and a turtle. Simon is now 10 months old and Sadie is 13 weeks. After a few short days of pottying out side, Sadie has decided to just play outside and potty inside on the rug. Simon likes to drag Sadie around by the back leg and basically 'worry' her to the point she just can't take it anymore and then she runs to me for protection. We had to have Bella declawed due to her love of scratching peoples eyes. Kaya has made it a point of never setting foot on the floor when a dog is present so she just sits on the kitchen table and holds them at bay. Mara has steadily declined since the tumor broke through the skin. I am just biding my time and keeping her on antibiotics until I can bear to put her down. Mom came to visit last month and taught me how to crochet again. I made Simon an afgan to sleep on and some cute little hats (not for the dog however). I have started a blanket for Mara to go in her casket. I guess when the blanket is finished it will be time to let her go. One day I am sure she is getting better or at least stable and then next I am sure that today is the day to end her suffering. It is so hard to know when is the right time. Scott is still working on the music and he take frequent breaks to play with the dogs. My office will be miving in April. Our office space will be slightly less than what we have now, but we will have a warehouse so things will be much more spacious than where we are now. That's all for now. Base Commander signing off.
Star Date 04.18.2001
BEGIN TRANSMISSION*** Well as we can all see I have not made good on my commitment to write 'a little something here each week'. Any ways...Simon had his first birthday on March 28th. You can see pictures at Simon's Space. There are also adorable pictures of my little girl Sadie. On a sad note we had some deaths in the family. Scott's cat Mindy, who was almost 19th years old, had to be put down due to respiratory failure. I finally put Mara to sleep on St. Patty's Day. Both cats were cremated. BJ's poodle Otis got hit by a car and passed away as well. They says these things come in threes. On an upbeat note, Scott and I got new furniture for the living room-a couch, loveseat, end tables and even a 'contemplation fountain'. HA! I have started my gardening this year with some crocuses compliments of Paw Paw Wheeler, 2 hydrangea bushes from Louise and some zinnias from Wal-Mart. The dogs are really enjoying the warm weather and so am I. The winter was just too long this year. Speaking of spring...there seems to be a ground hog living in the bushes in front of my new office building. Apparantly spring is right around the corner! Congrats to all my friends and family who are expecting! That's all for now. Base Commander signing off!
Star Date 03.02.2002
BEGIN TRANSMISSION*** Where to begin...Well I'm back in Georgia. I am living at home and back at my old job. In a way it is almost like I never left. I finally got my Georgia license plate last week and I can stop looking over my shoulder for the cops. I started taking voice lessons last December. My coach is a wonderful lady named Heather. She is so excited to have another adult student. I am scheduled to begin rehearsal for a dinner theatre show in April. I joined a hiking club called FunHikes. You can find out more info about them at www.funhikes.com. So far I have only been on one 5 mile hike. I had a great time even though I was last most of the time and was covered in everyone's dust by the time we got back to the truck. I have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to hang out with Mary Tonsler again who is a great friend and wonderful spiritual advisor. BJ and I have been sharing a room. It get's crowded at times but it's nice to be able to hang out with her. Her dogs, Polly the Bulldog and Susie the Pug, get along great with my weiner dog Sadie. Stoney has taken a special liking to Bella, he even let's her sleep in the bed with him! Well hopefully this will hold you till I decided to write again next year. Just kidding! Base Commander signing off!
Star Date 11.22.2002
BEGIN TRANSMISSION*** I've been back for a year now. And things have settled into such a routine that it's almost like I never left. I have my old job back and I'm back home surrounded by family and friends. Those of you interested in my love life will be happy to hear I have started dating again. Took a year off so to speak. He's a nice guy - smart and funny and he likes my dog. Sadie is doing well - she had a little surgery over the summer to repair two small hernias in her abdominal wall. She is doing fine now. All else is much the same. Base Commander out.
This page updated on November 22, 2002
people have visited this page since 2/8/2001