Table of Contents:

Club Information


Fun Stuff

4-H History

Links to 4-H sites 

Send comments!


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Welcome to Jamul Chaparros 4-H Club

We are a 4-H Club, based in Jamul, California.  Jamul (pronounced "Ha-mool") is located 30 miles east of San Diego, California, on highway 94. Home of the world famous Simpson's Nursery.

4-H is a family and community based youth organization committed to "Making the Best Better" and pledging to use the 4 "H's"; Head, Heart, Hands, and Health to improve society. For more information about 4-H, click on 4-H History  and Links to 4-H sites .

 Our 4-H Unit meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month from October to June at the Jamul Primary School Multi Use Room. If you would like to join, please send us an e-mail with your phone number and we will call you with more information. For information about our club, click on Club Information

Thanks for visiting our club's first web site! We keep this old site here for historical reference. We update our new website monthly, please feel free to visit our new site frequently to view what is new.

Please visit our new web site at