Just Because Ministries

Just Because

Scriptural basis:

  • Hebrews 10:24, 25:
  • And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourge one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching.


  • Taking the time to care.
  • Mission Statement:

    1. To Christians needing simple encouragement in their walk with God.
    2. To pre-Christians to point them to God for salvation through Jesus Christ.

    Just Because Ministries is founded as a concept of ministry for the Christian lay person. Its purpose is to encourage, through tangible, yet low key or even anonymous means, people around us, who need someone to take the time to care. It advocates the practice of random acts of kindness "just because" rather than for profit or acknowledgement.

    Statement of Faith:

    Just Because Ministries will maintain a unisectarian spirit. It is the intent of Just Because Ministries to bridge the denominational barriers and adhere to the basic teachings of Scripture to love your neighbor as yourself and to love one another because love is of God.

    Each month Just Because Ministries will present a Just Because opportunity for people to consider supporting for $12. This money will be paid directly to the party, mission, church, etc that it is for. No money is to be sent to Just Because Ministries, but rather channeled through existing churches or parachurch organizations. For each opportunity presented, a goal of a certain amount of people to be involved to accomplish the project will be listed.

    Just Because Ministry will contact someone two times, the first to make them aware of a particular project then with an update. After that, only those expressing a desire to be involved in futher Just Because Ministries will be contacted. To be on this list one must e-mail Just Because Ministries at jstbcuz@compuplus.netand REQUEST to be a part of Just Because projects. To be a part via "snail mail" one will have to send a self adressed stamped envelope with a request to be included in the project of the month. This is due to the fact that Just Because Ministries has no office, no staff, no overhead,or salaries. Supply preaching is available. Honorariums, love offerings, and travel expenses will be accepted by the speaker. Directions for how to contribute will be given on a case by case basis. This shall not be on a for profit basis, but rather the principle of "not muzzling the ox" will be applied. Now, go out and practice random acts of kindness and encouragement, Just Because..............!!

    Here are some of the projects that we have worked on.

    Montana and North Wyoming Awana Missionaries were in need of a newer vehicle that would accomadate their growing family and the needs that arise with their ministry. Here is the picture of the vehicle they were able to purchase with funds that were raised through many donations and helped along with Just Because Ministries' Awana Challenge. Two years later it is still going strong.

    Michael, a young man, with a desire to own his own home qualified for a special program but needed help with his down payment. We were able to raise the amount necessary and give him a check the Sunday before Christmas, 1999. He is in his own home now!

    Just Because Ministries founded Jan 1999 by:

    Marvin C. Bjorge

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