Gum Creek
Presbyterian Church, USA
Sunday School is for everyone!
Sunday School meets from 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. every Sunday morning. We
invite you to visit our classes and make it a part of your Sunday morning
schedule. Nursery is provided for children 2 and under (and they usually get a
short lesson as well!).
Adult I
Mrs. Charlotte Hood teaches the Adult I class. This class follows the denominational curriculum.
Adult II
This class is a bit different from Adult I because they choose new topics all the time. Join in anytime!
Middle and High School
As amazing as it is to make this many preteens and teens agree on
something... they all love this class!
Kids age 3 through 5th grade are invited to join us at the well (in the fellowship hall) each Sunday
for Sunday School.

New Members
Every so often, the pastor holds a new members class. You do not have to attend this class to join our church. It is mainly a way for new folks to get to know each other better and to provide a chance to learn more about our church and the Presbyterian Church in general.