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Gum Creek Presbyterian Church, USA


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Sunday School ~ 10 a.m.

Worship ~ 11 a.m.

Nursery provided for both

Our church is located in Oxford, Ga., approximately 35 miles from the hustle and bustle of Atlanta. The building is located on the highest hill in the county, and on clear winter nights you can see the lights of Stone Mountain's Christmas tree. On any day you can admire our peaceful neighbors, the cattle.

Our church is not just the building it meets in, it is a family. Many of our charter members have grandchildren and great-grandchildren still attending Gum Creek, but our doors are always open to new families. We are a place to share our faith, dreams, good news and sad news. Our congregation would love to include you as part of the wonderful Gum Creek family.

We currently have more than 100 active members and many active visitors.

With a history reaching back over 80 years, we are a central fixture in the Gum Creek community. Join us anytime for worship, learning and good ol' fashioned fun.

"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hill, from whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.~ Psalm 121:1-2

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