Welcome to Kailee's Street.

Grandma - 10/31/00 23:22:31
My Email:Colleen.m.fulmer@am.pnu
State: AZ

Hi Sweetie, Just your Grandma stopping in to say "Happy Halloween" to the best "punkin" there is! I love you bunches and bunches!

Kailee(weird huh?) - 10/23/00 15:46:09
My URL:http://www.expage.com/ziplocksrule
My Email:BluesClues354@hotmail.com
State: MA

Hi my name is Kailee. I am really interested in your story. Well I just wanted to say Hi.

Christa Finstad - 10/21/00 07:52:30
My URL:http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/academic/cult_sci/sociology/finstad/soc101cf.html
My Email:AZCCProf@aol.com
State: Arizona

Kailee, hi there! I'm your mom's teacher at school and she told me a little bit about you. I thought you were wonderful and that your mom loves you very much. So I had to say hello to you and your family. Have fun and never stop learning! Christa

TRISH JULIAN - 10/12/00 21:31:39


Andie Marshall - 09/14/00 04:22:04


Patti - 09/11/00 23:04:21
State: AZ

I enjoyed visiting your page. It is wonderful. Your family must love you very much to create a wonderful place for people to visit you!

Kelly Carey - 08/15/00 03:48:34
My Email:kdcarey@mid-mo.net
State: Missouri

Hello, I love your street! My maiden name was Welsh. And I had a brother with CdLs, and a adopted brother with CdLs. (Ronnie and John Paul) Tears roll as I see the smiles, thank you for sharing. I miss my brothers. Kelly

Rick Oberg - 06/04/00 05:25:51
My URL:http://theboysplace.homestead.com
My Email:gonhikin@yahoo.com
State: MA

Your story says it all Kim.

Cindy Deason - 05/02/00 02:44:25
My Email:dabears51@uswest.net
State: Arizona

Hi Kailee! I am so blessed to have met you and your Mommy and sisters at Linda's on Saturday. I just visited your website and must say it is the best one I've EVER seen! Thank you for allowing me to share a "Sunny Day" with you. God bless you and your family! -C ndy

Linda - 04/18/00 20:37:19
My Email:lhollins@uswest.net
State: Az

Hi Kim, "Kandles" for Kailee and her friends with CdLs Iknow God is going to bless our venture!! Praying you up! Wonderful web site to share with my friends!! Love, Linda

Connie Wickline - 04/12/00 13:09:19
State: Il.

Good morning Kailee and family, I have just viewed your website. It is beautiful. I have had a blessing just reading your story. I am blessed with 5 beautiful grandbabies and I will surely remember to love them and kiss them a little more often because of your message. God bless you gain and again. In His Love, Connie Wickline Decatur, Il.

Linda Hollinshead - 04/11/00 15:05:54
My Email:lhollins@uswest.net
State: AZ

Good Morning!! Viewed your web site today and sang praises that Kailee is so blessed to have you two for parents!! Praise God for your spirit of love!! We love you too! Wendell and Linda

Ken & Kerry Thomson - 04/06/00 18:34:59
My Email:ken@kbthomson.co.uk
State: England (UK)

Great site , good pictures , A story we are familiar with as our daughter Charlotte was given the same chances. She is Nine now and as tough as they come and signs (180+ ) and tries very hard to speak , It,s a long road but worth the effort (trust me! ). Her brother Daniel(13 going on 35 ) makes the world of difference as he makes her work at being Charlotte and not just another little girl with a problem.

gabie dionisio - 03/13/00 13:34:39
My Email:boots@mozcom.com
State: Philippines

i have a cousin who have CdLS and i love him very much.

Angela Harris - 02/23/00 19:32:17
My Email:Angilhair@aol.com
State: Maryland

Hello Kailee, Thank you for opening up to the public about this strange syndrome. Please keep on proving science wrong. I hope you enjoy a full and healthy life

Kailee Laws - 01/23/00 23:50:21
My URL:http://bounce.to/soccergal23
My Email:Bratt2004@hotmail.com
State: Michigan

Hey! Umm.. Well.. this is pretty weird.. I was really bored and I decided to search for my name (Kailee) on a search engine.. and I came up with this page. So..I clicked (cerious 'ol me!) and found myself here! I looked around the page and I've gotta say hat it's great that you guys are staying strong through all thats happened! Well...um.. thats about all I have to say ;0) c-yas later Kailee

Grandma - 01/11/00 04:30:22
My Email:Scfulmer76@aol.com
State: AZ


Rebecca Shipley - 01/10/00 22:15:22
My Email:becshipley@aol.com
State: Nevada

i love you kailee!

Denis Graham - 01/02/00 22:09:53
My Email:denisg2348@aol.com
State: Nevada

What a great web site! Thanks for sharing. Love, Denis and Margaret

Carol Gaab - 12/13/99 00:14:43
My Email:Gaab5@aol.com
State: AZ

Kim- What a great website! I read your story (and Kailee's) and was touched. We tend to forget how blessed we are. Thanks for the reminder. If you ever need a helping hand, remember, I'm just around the corner. :}Carol (Jamie's mom)

Linda Wade - 11/25/99 19:14:55
My Email:Kaywade@home.com
State: California

Hi little angel, I'm your second cousin Kerri Holsted's mom! I've known your Mommy since she was born and I never would have guessed she would have become such a strong and dynamic person!! I would have guessed that she would become such a loving mom. You have been born into a wonderful family who obviously love you alot. Kimmie, you have done a wonderful job with your angels. Love, Auntie Linda

Dustin E Grate - 11/22/99 18:20:23
My Email:dustin@aol.com
State: Nevada

Only remember one verse Romans 8:28 and thank you mother for that one!!! Dustin!

Kerri Holsted - 11/08/99 23:13:36
My Email:Ker180Ho@AOL.Com
State: California

Hi Kailee, I loved reading your story. I am, well, I guess your second cousin and I love you very much. I am so proud of you and your family. I can't wait to see you and I am going to be checking your website all the time so keep writing... Love You.

Jennine M. Ramirez - 11/06/99 04:37:07
My Email:Chick1182
State: New Jersey

Hi Kailee. Remember me? I miss you and can't wait to see you at the 2000 Conference. Well, talk to you later Luv Ya. Jennine :)

Auntie Laura - 11/05/99 04:51:44
My Email:lfulmer@westmont.edu
State: CA

HI! its me! i love you, you guys. I can't believe i haven't signed in yet.

hilary lampman - 11/05/99 04:50:29
My Email:hlampman@westmont.edu
State: CA

This was a really great web site. well done and very articulate. i appreciate all the time put in to make it understandable. Your daughters are all way cute.

Rachel Diamant - 11/04/99 17:32:47
My Email:diamantr@az.swc.kcom.edu
State: AZ

Hi Kailee, Kim & Ken! I hope things are going well. I'm now an assistant professor at the Arizona School for Health Sciences and I'm teaching the Pediatric courses for future Occupational Therapists. I'm currently putting together a training unit about wo king with children who have CDLS! This is a great web ring with lots of information! Talk to you later! -- Rachel Diamant

Terry Stafford - 10/09/99 02:38:49
My URL:/Heartland/Woods/9724/
My Email:tstafford@vallnet.com
State: Tennessee

Beautiful page ,Beautiful girl. I know you are proud of her , she is a doll . Best wishes . See you in chat.

Robin and Brian Alkire - 09/07/99 12:50:57
My Email:RLBADFE@aol.com
State: Ohio


Susie Corbett - 09/06/99 19:56:37
My Email:snotonline@webtv.com
State: California

Kim - you did a wonderful job with this web page. You probably don't remember me, but I did meet you at Kens Class reunion in Nevada 2 years ago. Anyway, your kids are adorable (as expected) and I'm happy to find out that Kailee is doing so well. I person lly have never heard of CdLS and I will be visting their links due to you so I can find out more about it. You take good care of my old friend Ken and your wonderful daughters.

Jennifer Hecker (used to be Stentzel) - 08/27/99 20:59:19
My Email:jennifer.hecker@vineyard.alpine.k12.ut.us
State: Utah

Hi Kailee! Your mom used to be one of my best friends when she lived in Boise! I can tell that she loves you a lot! You are a beautiful girl and I was glad to read your story! I will share it with everyone I know. :)

Lisa and Darrel - 08/12/99 20:24:26
My URL:www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/9538
My Email:LisaWell@aol.com
State: California

Hi Kailee! Just stopping by to visit you page. I wanted to send a link to a friend so she can read about you. Big hugs to you, Mommy, Daddy,Kensey and Kate. God Bless you sweetie.

Jerry & Kelly Crandall - 07/10/99 06:07:32
My Email:jerry3614@bigplanet.com
State: UT

Hi Welsh's! You sure have a beautiful family! We loved meeting you in TX. You've put together a great site...very emotional. Kailee is a sweetie and we're happy to know her! We look forward to seeing you again. Maybe you'd like to visit UT sometime! :)

Tyler's Aunt - 06/23/99 21:37:57
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/7349/tylers.htm
My Email:sassynga@geocities.com
State: GA

Kailee's Street is a beautiful page...You did a wonderful job on it...It sounds so much like my nephews story...Tyler is 5 years old now...we found out Tyler had CdLS when he was 3 months old. When he was about 3 months old, Tyler had quit breathing at ho e...My brother (Tyler's Daddy) called 911. By the time they came to Tyler he had turned purple and they was sure he wasn't going to make it to the hospital. The Dr's said he wasn't going to make it through the night...and if he did, he would have severe b ain damage. The Dr's said he didn't have oxygen going to his brain for too long of time. And we would not know exactly how much brain damage there was until he got older. At 3 months also, Tyler had the tube that feeds him put into his stomach...for a yea and half he was in and out of the hospital. The Dr's didn't think he was going to see his first birthday. Tyler does have a good bit of brain damage. But he is such a loving little boy. God Bless you and your family...

Angela Campbell - 05/20/99 13:30:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/bluffs/4241
My Email:amcampbela@hotmail.com
State: GA

Kailee is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing your story. I am Hannah Ashley's aunt and love to see such a great support system for those with CdLS. Take care!

OGREN - 04/30/99 04:30:46
My Email:pogren@excite.com
State: IL

To all the "K"s~~~Kailee's Street is wonderful! I love going to the pages to meet everyone. I visit someone via CdLS sites almost every night, and yours is great too! See you on the listserv.{{{LOVE N HUGS}}} OGREN

jennifer Ahlfield - 04/27/99 07:27:04
My Email:jena_72@yahoo.com
State: MO

I have a 5 year old daughter with cdls. Her name is Kelsi. Your page is great. Jennifer

Scott Fulmer - 04/19/99 17:20:01
My Email:shfulmer@srpnet.com
State: Arizona

Kim, You've done a great job of putting this together! Lots of work, but its really paid off. What a good looking family and story of love and caring.

Nola Ellington - 04/15/99 07:53:48
My URL:http://millennium.fortunecity.com/newchurch/401
My Email:mawmawnola@prodigy.net
State: Louisiana

What a beautiful family! God still performs miracles and doctors can be wrong. Thanks for sharing your family with everyone.

Vicki - 04/14/99 13:50:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/2108
My Email:marci.mom@juno.com
State: OHIO

You have a beautiful family and your story is very well told. This is a wonderful way to spread CdLS awareness. Good Job Kim! Thanks for sharing.

Scott Hansen - 04/14/99 05:05:36
My URL:http://www.members.home.com/scotthansen1
My Email:scotty123@home.com
State: CA

Nice job! Very professional and informative. I really enjoy the music as well. Scott

Darrel and Lisa - 04/13/99 05:49:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/9538
My Email:LisaWell@AOL.COM
State: California

Beautiful Web Page!Brought tears to my eyes. What a little trooper Kailee is! You have a very beautiful and special family. Thanks for sharing your story with us. God's Richest Blessings to you all.

Barbara Fischer - 04/13/99 04:57:03
My Email:Granbabs@aol.com
State: Ca.

Kim and family, I loved my visit to Kailee's Street!! You have such a beautiful family. I especially like what you say at the end of your story. Just keep hugging those kids--- the work will always be there. I just had my granddaughter, Jameson, CdLS, for 8 days and ju t cuddled and played with her!!! I wish they didn't live so far away---I had to give extra hugs to keep me going!!! Take care. The Lurker of the listserv!!! Barbara

Kimmie - 04/13/99 04:01:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/7897
My Email:gkimmie@hotmail.com
State: Texas

Great page, Kim...Vicki and Sandi did a wonderful job on the graphics, and your story is wonderful!! All your girls are dolls! :) Sesame Street rules! *grin* We are looking forward to meeting you in Dallas. See you in chat. {{{hugs}}} Kim and Maddy

Carol and Mike - 04/12/99 18:24:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/eartland/Plains/5620
My Email:dcata93252@aol.com
State: NY

Kim and Ken, What a beautiful family you have. Loved reading Kailee's story and seeing the pictures.. It made you all come to life.. Can't wait to see you at the conference!!! HUGS Carol and Mike

Rachel - 04/08/99 20:59:23
My Email:Bhill@syv.com
State: Ca

I have a cousin who is 10 who I have taken care of who has this syndrome. She has 3 siblings who just adore her as well as with the rest of her extended family. Thank you for sharing your family with us.

Melissa Harback - 04/08/99 05:36:07
My Email:supphousinginc @ trump.net.au
State: Tasmania Australia

Hi Kailee I'm melissa, I'm from Tasmania Australia. I work in an organisation that supports people with disabilities. I support a person with cornelia de lange her name is Tania. I'm looking through lots of wed site about cornelia de lange to try and learn more bout Tania. Thanks for your help... P.S. I love sesame street!!!!!

Heather Jeung - 04/05/99 04:29:37
My Email:01070636@3web.net
State: Canada

You have a beautiful family!! Kailee, you are so cute and so smart. Your mommy and daddy have made one of the best webpages I have seen. I love the fun cheery Sesame Street Theme!!! Heather

Kelley Cogliano - 03/27/99 01:18:42
My Email:KCMC929@aol.com
State: Nevada

I love you Kailee,your mommy did a great job. You should be proud. Both of you. I have added this page to my favorites. Miss you all Kelley

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