Below you will find information on CdLS
and some links to other CdLS Web Sites.

What is CdLS?

Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS) is a congenital syndrome, meaning it is present from birth. Most of the signs and symptoms may be recognized at birth or shortly thereafter. A child need not demonstrate each and every sign or symptom for the diagnosis to be made. Rather it depends on the presence of a combination of characteristics. As with other syndromes, individuals with CdLS strongly resemble one another. Common characteristics include: low birthweight, delayed growth and small stature, and small head size. Typical facial features include thin eyebrows which frequently meet at midline, long eyelashes, short upturned nose, thin downturned mouth, small hands and feet, and incurved fifth fingers. Some medical concerns include: gastroesophageal reflux, seizures, heart defects, cleft palate, bowel abnormalities, feeding difficulties and developmental and growth delay. Limb abnormalities are also found.

What Causes CdLS?

At present, the cause is not clearly known, although it is suspected that a gene -possibly located on chromosome number three- may be responsible.

How is a diagnosis made?

A thorough medical evaluation including a history and physical exam, family history, lab tests, x-rays and chromosome analysis is usually done before a diagnosis is made. Since there is no specific test for CdLS this is best accomplished through a referral to a genetics specialist or clinic.

All the above information is from the Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Foundation's pamphlet "Facts about Cornelia de Lange Syndrome".

For more information on CdLS,
please contact the
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Foundation,
an international, non-profit
family support group.

CdLS Links

CdLS Foundation

CdLS Online Parent Support Group (CdLS OPSG)

CdLS OPSG Member List

A List of Other CdLS Home Pages

Home My Picture Album My Family Album

Kailee's Story Webrings

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