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Hi there, welcome to my Home Page. I have neglegted updating this page, only adding a few new pics of my nephews, now and then. They continue to grow more beautiful every day *S*. Creating a Home Page is an art in itself ... and I think I'd better stick to the clay *G*. I'd really like to share some of my pottery with you. Check it out and tell me what you think! ~smiles~ Samples of my pottery.


Ok, a few facts for you about me. I am Dine (Navajo) from Arizona. Born to the to dich' ii'nii clan, born for belagahna clan (Father was white *g*). I'm living (temporarily) in the Great Northwest since June '96.


I logged onto the Internet in Nov. '96, and it's been a great experience for me! I never thought I'd EVER get a computer! That was always my sister's department, not mine! LOL... But I'm SO glad I did, because I have some of the most wonderful friends as a result of that! I traveled to Germany last year, a life long dream (well... almost that long) and met some of my chat friends there in Hof, Franconia (*S*). It's a special feeling to travel so far, and to be welcomed so warmly into one's Land *VBS* ... I only hope one day to also return the favor (or favour *g*)!!! And shi'kis, you will make it to the states someday *S*. My long list of incredible friends I have made online continues to grow *S*. I hope to get the chance to meet you all someday.


Here are my nephews, Justin, born Feb. 28 '98, and Shonto...proud big brother *S* ... They are so beautiful *BIG SMILE* you can be sure I'll continue to update recent pics of both of them *S*.





Thank you for stopping by, and I am always happy to make new friends, so e-mail me, or page me in ICQ. My UIN is #3551291.

Here's some cool Home Pages of some of my buddies:

David's Page Cyndy's Place Fred's Hut
Kuulei Northstar 1763 Alien 6042 Astrid
Yazz's Trip from H Freebirdls Cymrugel

Some special links:

Lasqueti Island Baje Whitethorne Institute of American Indian Arts Luci Tapahonso Tangerine Dream Native American Music

Here's a sample of Baje Whitethorne Jr's work, be sure to check out his link above!


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