Microwave Popcorn Taste Test

The best-tasting popcorn: Pop Secret


Five varieties of microwave popcorn were tested, all were butter flavored, regular popcorn (not lite).  Also Reden Budders was included, which is an extra buttery theater-style popcorn. The test was done twice- we tested it at home (Harry, Teresa, and our neighbor Anita) then I tested it at the office with everyone else listed below. The test was done as a blind taste test, so no one knew which brand was which when they tasted the popcorn.  Val popped the popcorn and did a good job of not burning any of the popcorn.  There wasn't any difference in temperature of the different varieties when the test was conducted, and all of the tasting was done within about 10-15 minutes of when the popcorn was popped.  Testing popcorn was Bobbie's idea, and I thought it sounded like fun.
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Harry Act II Jolly Time Orville Red. Reden Budders Pop Secret
Teresa Reden Budders Orville Red. Pop Secret Jolly Time Act II
Anita K. Jolly Time Reden Budders Orville Red. Act II Pop Secret
Bobbie Pop Secret Jolly Time Act II Reden Budders Orville Red.
Carmen Pop Secret Jolly Time Orville Red. Act II Reden Budders
Suzanne Reden Budders Jolly Time Pop Secret Orville Red. Act II
Mark Orville Red. Act II Pop Secret Reden Budders Jolly Time
Tom Reden Budders Act II Jolly Time Pop Secret Orville Red.
Steve Pop Secret Orville Red. Act II Jolly Time Reden Budders
Val Reden Budders Act II Orville Red. Pop Secret Jolly Time
Mary Pat Pop Secret Jolly Time Reden Budders Act II Orville Red.
Connie Pop Secret Act II Orville Red. Reden Budders Jolly Time
Brenda Pop Secret Orville Red. Act II Jolly Time Reden Budders


Pop Secret was the clear winner, with six people choosing it as their favorite.  There were no significant differences in preference among the remaining four brands.  I was the lone person who selected Act II as my favorite, which happened to be Teresa's least favorite.  I found Reden Budders to be a bit too salty & buttery for my taste, but several people liked it the very best.  I thought they all tasted fine, and will probably buy what costs the least.