Seven years ago in May 1999 when I made this web page, I had no idea how it would change my life. My dreams and hopes of finding a better place for Sam, my baby girl rose. I made a lot of friends around the world, especially the USA. I travelled to the US twice and finally on a third occasion was even offered a job with a large corporation. I was ecstatic. I resigned from job in Kenya and travelled to America. Sadly I arrived in the US a month after 9/11, a sad time for all, especially foreigners. Though I had an appointment letter and a good job, my Visa did not go through. After close to one year of stay in the America I returned home to Kenya. I had left Sam, my two boys and wife in India during my sojourn in America. I travelled to India and returned with my wife Anita and my two sons, Reggie & Richie. My finances and situation in life does not permit bringing Sam to Kenya at this stage in time. Sam lives in India in an institution, run by an elderly priest. She has a full time nurse, who cares for her daily needs and she is given her daily massage and other forms of exercise by the residential staff. I pay for her upkeep from here. Life has come full circle for Sam. She is still where she is. In fact she has stepped one step backwards in life: instead of going to America and a better life, she has ended up alone in India, far away from us. . Why did I write all this? When one is very lonely and frustrated, the net is a safe place to cry someone out there..... |
Below you see her web page of 1999.Scroll down to see our latest pictures (year’s 2004 and 2006)
1999 This is our 6 year old baby daughter Samantha. Ain't she pretty? You bet she is! Will it surprise you if I told you that she cannot WALK, TALK or EAT on her own? Yes this beautiful baby girl, who smiles magically most of the time, was born with Cerebral Palsy. Samantha's two brothers Reggie & Richie are normal and get up to all the naughty games kids play. But she cannot join them even if she wanted to. Does she want to? We do not know what goes on in her trapped mind. She sits on her bed and sits and sits and at night goes to sleep on the same bed. Sometimes we can sit her on the couch... She cannot of course go to the bathroom on her own, So she manages all her toiletries in special disposable diapers. She does communicate and how: She hits herself!! That is Sam, a beautiful baby girl born to Anita and myself, George Mathew. We love her immensely and will do so till the day we die. An occupational Therapist sees her and we use a Therapy Ball and also a standing table I built myself. Samantha can also stand with someone helping her.... ![]() Samantha standing with her mothers help. We stay awake late for hours when she is screaming away into the quiet of the night, manage to contain two simaltaneous tantrums from Reggie & Richie at times and give up some of the pleasures of daily life that other parents of normal children take for granted. ![]() Sammy in her wheelchair, next to her crib bed. Anita gave up her Teaching career to pitch in and help Sam full time. Well that’s about all we know to do. What happens to her after our time? We honestly do not know. State funding? Privileges of advanced nations. There is a fledgling CP Society and a special school here. We attend some meetings and are considering the possibility and means of enrolling her in the special institution. Well folks that’s where we are now. ![]() We believe there's a wonderful world out there filled with lots and lots of happy people, who have some answers to the kind of tribulations that Anita and I find ourselves in. We also believe that there are many fine people out there, who are a lot more versed in matters such as raising children like the beaming baby you see above. Many, who could turn one stone of ignorance into a shimmering brilliance of hope. Many, who have some inclination on how to tread through this valley of pain and still find reason to live.......and still smile,. ![]() Life goes on they say, don't they? Are you there? Are you hearing the pliant of this young couple, who feel a little overwhelmed by deep love for a daughter but are powerless to better her condition? Someone want to tell us what we have not done right? Possibly something we could have done in a different and better way? Is anyone listening? Samantha looks to you. She seems to believe that someone is really out there. Little Sam radiates all of us with her angelic smile. Here's one for Dad.....
You can reach Sam by email, Phone (254-20-6751957) or, cell phone (254-733-622067) or mail (P.O.Box 78618-00507, Nairobi, Kenya).
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This site last updated May 2006
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