Personnel Pages Of Roger Tyson
Hi! I`m Roger! I`d like to welcome you to my personnel pages. Let me tell you a little about myself and my kids.
I am a single father who lives in Cumberland Va. I am single and looking.... LOL. I love music and the outdoors. I also like poking around on this PC. I love my children and spending time with them.For work I am a certified Pipewelder. Ok.. about the kids....
This is my oldest son.. Cody! Boy! Where do I start.Hmm....Well this is my first son . He is real softhearted like his father. When he came into this world it was a real reality check about how wonderful being a father could be.I love him so..
This is my daughter..Kristian! I could dedicate a whole page to her. She is the oldest of the 3. When you look in the dictionary for little girls there is a picture of my daughter for definition. LOL... She loves Barbies Though she is not my biological daughter I love her just the same as her brothers....
Whooaa Boy!!!! This Is Kincade! He is my youngest. He is got a smile that will melt any heart.And let me say he completes this wonderful package. If there was anything missing in the other two`s personality as a 2 year old. It is definately not missing here. LOL.... I love him so much.....
Well..... Um... I pondered over this a long time. Whether to put the mother of my children on my page. For those of you that have visited my page before know there was nothing about her before..
  This Is Sharon.. My ex.. I would like to say this.. Now that time has passed and I have regained some peace of mind in my new life. I have come to realize that she will be a part of it "some what" since we have children together. Though what we had has seemed to fade I would have not have traded it for the world. We were together a long time.
  I put this here because this is a part of my personnality and background just as my children are..... Whew ..... Ok  thats about it guys! Look on at the other pages if you will ,there is a little more info on me.
Little slide show dedicated to my Ex....
Little slide show of the kids
click the picture for show
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Napster Community of Music
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More photos of me here!
Photos of work here!
Daughter`s Page
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