Anais considering calmly where to put his money. "You should not hasten while investing your money !"Vilippusgets his best ideas in sauna and very fertile one's indeed !Elmeriis the most educated of the brothers. Elemeri's opinion must be asked before major decision."There is no need to be crazy in investing activities but that is no obstacle what so ever" is Ana's opinion !The most important decisions needs courage .The best Medicine for that is Vodka ( Vilippus).Female of the household takes care of that fear is never forgotten, and in the long run just strengthens.AnaVilippusThe most important is although wisdom which is given by the Creator.
Portofolios 8.6.1999
Ana Rummukainen :Raisio Group, Tieto Group (plenty), Fortum (Ipo), PKC
Vilippus Rummukainen :Raisio Group, Fortum (Ipo)Uuno Rummukainen (one of the relatives) :Is going to buy Raisio in the near future
Links :Rummukainen brothers begun new calendarRaisio Congregation
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