Name: Susan and Nancie |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Titanic and You've Got Mail |
favorite football team: Sorry, Hockey Nuts only |
favorite actress or actor: Tom Hanks |
favorite childrens movie: Any Disney Movie |
| Comments:
Lovely page and kids. Nice place to visit. I enjoiy surfing around and seeing the pictures.
07/09/99 20:44:39
Name: Susan and Nancie |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Titanic and You've Got Mail |
favorite football team: Sorry, Hockey Nuts only |
favorite actress or actor: Tom Hanks |
favorite childrens movie: Any Disney Movie |
| Comments:
Lovely page and kids. Nice place to visit. I enjoiy surfing around and seeing the pictures.
06/27/99 13:19:15
Name: Marcia Gromer |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Dirty Dancing/Fottloose |
favorite football team: I just LOVE football and don't have a favorite team |
favorite childrens movie: The Lion King |
| Comments:
I Loved seeing Brandy and the rest of your family finial get to see them on the internet.
06/24/99 00:40:06
Name: Aunt Owwee |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Field of Dreams |
favorite football team: MSU Spartans |
favorite actress or actor: Kevin Costner |
| Comments:
Great site! I loved your stories about life in Japan.
06/18/99 17:54:43
Name: Kimmy Smith |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Inherit the Wind |
favorite football team: Falcons |
favorite actress or actor: Kyle Secor |
favorite childrens movie: Toy Story |
| Comments:
Great Page. Thanks for sharing your page; I enjoyed my visit.
06/18/99 01:47:34
Name: Linda Bunty |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite childrens movie: Bambi |
| Comments:
Hi Darla. I was on Ellen Eggers home page when I came across your homepage. You have done a great job designing your homepage. I will visit again soon. I live in Pennsylvania, USA.
06/14/99 15:28:50
Name: Connie E. Van Amerongen |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: "The Sound of Music" |
favorite football team: None |
favorite actress or actor: Meryl Streep |
favorite childrens movie: "Annie" |
| Comments:
Nice page! I'll be back!
06/13/99 15:18:18
Name: Kimmy Smith |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Inherit the Wind |
favorite football team: Falcons |
favorite actress or actor: Kyle Secor |
favorite childrens movie: Toy Story |
| Comments:
Great Page. Thanks for sharing your page; I enjoyed my visit.
06/11/99 20:29:11
Name: Debi |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Somewhere In Time |
favorite football team: Miami Dolphins |
favorite actress or actor: Jody Foster |
favorite childrens movie: Lady & The Tramp |
| Comments:
Hello, Darla! Your site is delightful. How blessed you are to have such a wonderful family. I enjoyed my visit...and "meeting" you & yours. Thanks for sharing your passions and interests. I will stop in again, soon. ~Debi~
06/08/99 18:52:13
Name: Shannon And Michelle |
My URL: Visit Me |
| Comments:
Great Web Site! We loved our visit here. Please come visit our web pages.
06/02/99 20:32:22
Name: Stuart the Maniac |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: fear and loathing in las vegas |
| Comments:
Hi! Nice page you have here! Check out my Jukebox at if you like! You can leave it open in a remote window and hear music while you websurf! Hope you'll sign my guestbook too! See ya! :-)
06/02/99 03:22:52
Name: Dumps aka Darla |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Strawberry Blonde |
favorite actress or actor: James Cagney |
favorite childrens movie: The Ringing Bell |
| Comments:
You have a beautiful family, and I'm sure talented as their mother. I just happened to click but stuck around for a sec to read. I'm glad I did. Keep up the great work. ;-}
06/01/99 16:54:36
Name: Edward Kleiner |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Scavenger Hunt |
favorite football team: Denver Broncos |
favorite actress or actor: John Cryer |
favorite childrens movie: Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory |
| Comments:
Hi Darla I just surfed via a guestbook & came to your site. I like it a lot. You have a super great site. On your about me page I like the way you describe your hobbies. I guess you like reading so you could buy some of my book selections at my Jughead Zo
e Amazon Book Store. Congratulations on your completion of your Heartland University Course. I can tell you know your HTML super well by now. I have learned mine from a book my brother gave me that Laura Lemay wrote. I selected 3 of her books in my Amazon
Bookstore Page. Your Heartland University Diplomas look super great there. I understand you are also big on Missing Children. Sometime soon I will add a Missing Childrens Page to my website and speaking of my website, please come on down to my Website & t
ll me the things you like on it & sign my guestbook. Thank You Very Much. Sincerely
Edward Kleiner
05/31/99 14:06:29
| Comments:
Hi Darla, what a GREAT site! The layout is very neatly organized with nice graphics. And all of your children are so beautiful. I have a son about the same age as Corren. Those toddlers have more energy than the Energizer bunny! LOL Keep up the good
05/24/99 07:24:08
Name: Lynda |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: too many to list |
favorite football team: Well my fav rugby team is the Hurricanes LOL |
favorite childrens movie: Lion King |
| Comments:
Hey great page Darla. It is so neat to be able to stop by your home and visit you. One day I will do it for real, and we can talk for hours LOL. Thanks for being a great friend. *Hugs*
05/24/99 04:46:01
Name: Sarah |
My URL: Visit Me |
favorite movie: The Secret Garden |
favorite childrens movie: Anastasia |
| Comments:

05/24/99 03:28:39
Name: badtiger |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: faceoff |
favorite football team: 49ers |
favorite actress or actor: robert deniro |
favorite childrens movie: lion king |
| Comments:
verry nice web site keep up the good work and come visit mine d'ont forget to sign my guestbook thanks
if you pass your mouse over my banner it will redirect you to my web site
05/18/99 20:47:26
Name: Darla |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Regarding Henry |
favorite football team: Dolphins |
favorite actress or actor: Harrison Ford |
favorite childrens movie: Pete's Dragon |
| Comments:
I loved your site. I just had to come and check out a fellow Darla's site. I hope you have a great day!!!
Keep up the great work!!!!!
05/18/99 19:05:49
Name: Chuck/Cindy G |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: BraveHeart(his)/SonInLaw(hers) |
favorite football team: CarolinaPanthers(his)/DallasCowboys(hers) |
favorite actress or actor: AlPacino(his)/MegRyan(hers) |
favorite childrens movie: NiteMareB'foreChristmas(his)/TheLittleMermaid(hers) |
| Comments:
WOW! What a sight! You've really done quite a job. We enjoyed it.
05/17/99 00:02:09
Name: Sue Dozier |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Dr. Zhivago |
favorite football team: Dallas Cowboys |
favorite actress or actor: Jimmy Stewart |
favorite childrens movie: Lion King |
| Comments:
Hi, Darla. Stephani helped me enter my information. Tell everyone hello.
05/15/99 19:41:42
| Comments:
Great job on your pages Darla! All that hard work on the classes is really paying off!
05/15/99 18:37:44
Name: Mandy |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Legends of the Fall |
favorite football team: Ohio State Buckeyes |
favorite actress or actor: hmmm don't have one |
favorite childrens movie: Here Come the Teletubbies (just kiddin) |
| Comments:
Darla you've done a great job! Keep up the good work! P.S. You have a beautiful family!!!
mandy aka mandy20j
05/13/99 22:36:57
Name: ROBYN |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: league of our own |
favorite actress or actor: rosie o donnell |
| Comments:
want chub club e pals
05/06/99 15:22:50
Name: Peggy |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Titanic |
favorite football team: ewwwwww *LOL* |
favorite actress or actor: Debra Winger & Emilo Estervz (sp) |
favorite childrens movie: Casper |
| Comments:
Beautiful site *HUGS*
05/05/99 23:11:59
| Comments:
Darla - Your site is AWESOME!!! You did a great job! I have it in my fave places to check often. I'm passing the address on to Glenda! Talk to you soon - Jeron
05/04/99 12:45:19
Name: Shani |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Ummm, currently the Wedding Singer, all time Amedeus |
favorite football team: ummm, don't know any |
favorite actress or actor: don't have any |
favorite childrens movie: Kiki's Delivery Service |
| Comments:
What a great page, Darla! I've book marked it and will be coming back!
05/04/99 00:09:07
Name: Trisha M.Ali |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Sleepless in Seattle |
favorite football team: Manchester United(English Premier League team) *soccer* but we British call it football too, :-) |
favorite actress or actor: Tom Hanks & Meg Ryan |
favorite childrens movie: mostly all from disney and dreamworks, esp. "The Prince of Egypt" |
| Comments:
Hello there, I have really enjoyed my time here learning about you and your family. I hope you and your family are having a wonderful Spring so far, we're in Singapore and its hot and humid all year round!! See you around!
come on in and join my webring!
04/29/99 04:16:11
Name: Big_Unicorn |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite football team: I Hate Sports |
favorite actress or actor: John Wayne |
favorite childrens movie: Bugs Life |
| Comments:
I love meeting all your family very much...I also liked seeing where you have travelled...My Brother-in-Law was in in the Canadian Army and he had to travel all over the world too...Every time you heard from them--they were going somewhere else---...But t
ey all loved it very much and it was good for the kids to see other countries... Keep making web pages for I will be back again soon...Come on over to my and see what I have done and please sign my guest book...P.S. I was a stay at home Mom, too and enjoy
d every minute of it...Now that they have grown up--I have gotten an AZ licence and went driving a semi truck (18 wheeler) with my husband all over Canada and the United States...God Bless...Big Unicorn
04/21/99 14:59:53
Name: me |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
favorite movie: Ever After |
favorite football team: DALLAS COWBOYS |
favorite actress or actor: Drew Barrymoore and Kevin Costner |
favorite childrens movie: Cinderella |
| Comments:
this is me, just making sure it works, hahahahahhahah,, just my silly sense of humor at work,,
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