Mama Vida
Mother of five, grandmother of 2. I consider myself to be able to cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart. A kiss, a hug, sensible words when needed are powerful tools.

So if you need advice or need to share some problems; or even when you just need someone to tell you how important you are, or how succesful you can be...I am here for you.
Never judge, never point to others, just listen and give input and the person will figure it out by him or herself.
I am not a pshychologist or counselor...I am a caring friend.

Soy madre de cinco y abuela de dos. Me considero capaz de curar cualquier cosa, desde una herida en la rodilla hasta un corazon roto.

Un beso, un abrazo o palabras de consuelo cuando se necesitan son mis herramientas poderosas.

Nunca juzgues, solo escucha y deja saber tu parecer. De ese modo la persona encontrara la salida por si mismo (a).
No soy sicologa o consejera, solamente una amiga que se preocupa.
My  hair is shorter now, but  yes, this is me!
My Favorite Links:
Renaissance Moccasins
Free hand baby
Poemas y canciones
Family Pictures
Contact me:
Name: Mama Vida
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