Welcome to my page

Welcome to my corner of the web. My name is Rebecca. I was born in April, 1995. So, guess what!?! That means I'm 5 years old now!
school bus
This year I am so excited to be in Kindergarten every day with all my friends!! I have the very best teacher in the world, too!!

apple Check out last year's Preschool fun time photos.
school bus

Here are pictures from my 4th birthday! This year's ones are coming soon!
birthday cake me
          My Rugrats birthday cake.            Happy Birthday to me!!

with Mommy           dollhouse
               Mommy and me My very favorite birthday present!

balloons Watch me grow through my Birthday photos.
camera Check out Other new photos of me.
star Check out My awards page.

Mommy's Page Go to Mommy's Page.


sign guest book      view guest book


counter visitors since March 17, 1999

Some graphics from:
Disney by design   Irene's Winnie the Pooh Page
glitter-net   A Touch of Country   Becki's Garden

Page design by:
K. Meyer
