National Marfan Foundation
Washington-Baltimore Area Support Group
Updated 03/19/99
Betsy Gaffney
714 N. Jordan Street, Apt. 301
Alexandria, VA  22304
(703) 370-5203
  Marfan Syndrome Information
Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder of the connective tissue that can affect the skeletal system, eyes, lungs, blood vessels and heart. The National Marfan Foundation was founded in 1981 to provide accurate and timely information about the disorder to patients, family members and physicians; to serve as a resource for medical information and patient support; and to support and foster research.  For more information please visit the National Marfan Foundation Website.
Betsy's Letter March 1999
Betsy's Letter September 1998
New Stuff:
Connective Issue's Winter, 199
Marfan Walk, Sunday, June 13, 1999
and the 1999 Research Supplement. February 1, 199
Previous Newsletters:
        Connective Issue's Late Spring / Early Summer 1998
The following are links to notes taken at previous meetings
UPDATED Meeting of the National Marfan Foundation Washington-Baltimore Area Support Group October 17, 1998
NIH MAP for October 17th Meeting
Meeting of the National Marfan Foundation Washington-Baltimore Area Support Group April 1998
Meeting of the National Marfan Foundation Washington-Baltimore Area Support Group October 18, 1997
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