Welcome To The Hicks Home Page

" Sorcerer "
"Stevie Nicks"

Rose Bar

We are Jerry And Lisa Hicks,
We have 3 boys, Nick,Mikey and Richie.

Jerry enjoys auto racing and working on cars.
He also plays the guitar.
He is very talented and he also writes music.

Our oldest son Nick is very smart child
he tested above average on his SAT scores.
Enjoys playing his video games.
As well as reading all the Harry Potter books.

Then you have Mikey who loves sports
and is just now starting to like school.
Now he is starting enjoy learning all about
the different states

Richie is just like his dad.
Always a bundle of joy
Loves the outdoors
loves to play video games .

Rose Bar

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Rose Bar

Design's By Jacque

Last Update: July 13,1999
Copyright© all Rights Reserved
This site was designed and written
Lisa Hick's & ~Jacque's Design's~

Rose Bar

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