As I was putting Carl to bed tonight
the moment I have been dreading since he was diagnosed Disabled Arrived!
Every night before bed Carl and I will read a story together.
I let him pick witch story he wants to read.
Tonight we read the story "All Kinds of Minds" by Mel Lavine.
This is a book  that tells stories about children with disablities
and how they over come.
We read one little boy's story and as I was kissing him good night
he looked at me and said
"Mama why me?"
As my throat closed on the tears I would not allow myself to shed
I told him that God had chosen him to be special
that he had a special purpose in life
 that in time he would know God's special plan for him.
Of course his next question was
I tried to explain that I did not know when
God would make his plans known to us
being 5 years old I don't think he understood.
As I was pulling up the covers he looked at me and said,
" Mama, is ok. God love me. Don't cry!"
I guess he could see the tears in my eyes.
Now that Carl is asleep
I am sitting here crying my eyes out
wondering what I did right to deserve
this wonderful child


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