Hi! My name's Sissy and I'm an 8-year-old black and white cocker spaniel. My Mommy's name is Sandy and she's helping me out with this page, since it's my first one.

I was rescued from a shelter in October of 1998 by Mommy Di (Mommy Sandy's sister) and Daddy Bill.

Mommy Di took two doggies that day, me and my sister...Buffy (she's a blonde). Mommy Di got sick and couldn't take care of both of us, so I got to go live with Mommy Sandy on Christmas Day.

I really like it here. Mommy Sandy takes real good care of me and spoils me rotten. Everybody says so! She tells everybody that I'm her baby and she has all kinds of nicknames for me. She calls me Sisser, Pupper, Sissy Poo and mushy stuff like that! Shheeezzz! Whatcha gonna do?

I like to lay out in the sun, too. Mommy lets me outside and I like to watch all the little kids play ball. Sometimes they come over and pet me and tell me how cute I am. The kids are nice to me. They don't tease me or pull on my ears.

One little girl thinks I'm part dalmation cause I have white spots on my face and neck. Mommy got a good chuckle out of that one! Sometimes even the neighbors knock on Mommy's door and ask how I'm doing if they don't see me outside. I have lots of friends!

Other than laying outside in the sun and looking so cute, I like to lay around inside, too. I like to eat just about anything and sometimes Mommy will give me a little bit of her spaghetti. Yum!

Well, I'm gonna go and you can visit my other pages, too. I hope you like my pages and sign my guestbook at the end. I'm gonna have some neat stuff here with treat recipes and it will be changing a lot, so come back and visit often. Just click on my paw prints below and it will take you where you want to go. Hey! That even rhymes!! :-)

Dog Rules

Reasons Dogs Can't
Use Computers

Things Dogs Must

Where Do Pets Come From?

Treat Recipes

Quotes About Doggies

How a Waiting Dog Dies

Man's Best Friend

Mommy's Webrings

My Guestbook

My Awards