2005 "12th Man" FFL RULES

Season XIII


Welcome back team owners. This is the 12th season! Where has the time gone? Congratulations to last year’s winner Doug Keating (Juggernaut) with his nail biting victory over Appleman in the championship game.


1. Scoring: Same as last year.  Touchdowns                 Field Goals                   Extra Pts

                                                0 to 29 yds....6 pts       0- 44yds......3 pts         1 point

(Punt and kick returns               30+ yds.........9 pts        45+ yds....5 pts         

  are scored as defensive)                                 

                                                Safeties                        Conversion                   Interception                Fumble lost

                                                5 points                        2 points                        negative 1 point            negative 1 point

Shut out

5 Points for defense. A shut out is a score of 0. Any score will void shutout.

Clarification: This league uses the NFL scoring when it comes to what is considered a defensive score.


Tie Breakers:  Ties will be broken. 1st tie breaker is starting QB points. 2nd: starting RB points (both), then WR, then TE, then K, then D. If we are still tied. I will flip a coin.


*3 bonus points are also awarded if a player scores a TD while performing outside his usual role.

(i.e....a QB rushing or a RB receiving)

*1 bonus point if this occurs during a conversion.

*3 bonus points awarded for 300 yds passing or 100 yds rushing or receiving. One additional point for every 50 yards above these plateaus.


I subscribe to Stats Football Smarts (Statsworld.com) for all stats. This will be an online service in 2005, with real time scoring.


2. Entry Fee: $250. This includes 6 transactions. (Free agent pick ups, individual trades.) After your 6 are used up they cost $5 each. Every week, the highest scoring team will get a $20 prize.


3. Protection: Each returning owner may hold-over a player from last year's roster if you so wish. In doing so, you must forfeit your 1st round draft pick.


Your 5th round pick may be held over to next year, in exchange for next year’s 5th round pick. This option does not affect the 1st round protection. This 5th round protection is also tradable. No team can have 2 protected 5th round picks entering the following year’s draft. A first and a 5th are OK


4. Draft Order: Picks 7 through 12 in the first round are determined by the order of finish by playoff teams. The champion will get the 12th pick, runner up gets 11th, etc. Picks 1 through 6 are determined by the loser playoffs. The 6 non playoff teams will be bracketed in the same manner as the winner playoffs, with the ultimate loser winner getting their choice of the first round selection.


The second round will be the reverse of the first. The third will be identical to the first, etc.


5. Prize Money: The winner will take home 65% of the total revenues. (Entry fees plus any transaction fees). 2nd place gets 23%, 3rd place gets 7% and 4th place gets 5%. Highest 14 game score total wins $100. Best rip/ insult/ trash talk wins $25.


6. Divisions:  There are three divisions of 4 teams. Assignment is determined by order of finish from the previous season. The first division will be filled with the final four teams, in order of finish, the worst 4 teams in the Rabble, in order of regular season finish, with the middle class taking the rest.


















7. Rosters: Each team's roster must consist of: 2QB, 4RB, 4WR, 2TE, 2K, 2D, and 1 floater (free) position. That makes 17 spots. Therefore the draft will be 17 rounds.


8. Weekly Lineups: Each week a starting lineup consisting of 1QB, 2RB, 2WR, 1TE, 1K, & 1D must be entered on the Statsworld.com website. If you are without access for some reason, you can call the commish. On weeks with Thursday or Saturday games, you must enter the players from those early games as starters. You CANNOT carry over players from the previous week for Thurs or Sat games.


9. Free Agents: Requests for free agent pick-ups will be taken until Thursdays at 5:00 pm. The team with the worst record will prevail in cases of mutual interest in the same player. I will handle any disputes, with a coin flip if needed.. After 5:00pm on Thursday, up to noon Sunday, free agent pick-ups are first come first serve. On Thanksgiving changes must be reported by noon on Thursday. Free agent pickup deadline is kickoff of the first games week 13.


10. Tie-Breakers: Divisional position is determined first. Intra-divisional tie-breakers are as follows 1) Head to head winning % between tied teams, 2) divisional record, and if necessary, 3) overall points.


Inter-divisonal tie-breakers are: 1) Head to head if and only if there is a clean sweep 2) points, 3) divisional record.


11. Trade Deadline: Tuesday night, Nov 15, eight pm.


12. Xtra Points: The team (owner) scoring the lowest one game total of the regular season is forced to buy the beer for the following year’s draft.


Entry $$ will increase to at $275 for the 2006 season.


13. Schedule: Weeks 1 thru 13: Regular Season. (Week Eleven is a double header to avoid having the championship game during week 17, when many starters often sit or play only the first half.)


Week 14: Best 2 divisional winners get byes, Wildcard #3 vs Div winner #3, WC2 vs WC1                                                                     

Week 15: Division #1 vs lowest seed,  Division #2 vs remaining team

Week 16: Winner vs Winner for championship. Loser vs Loser for 3rd and 4th.

Week 17: Nothing, however, for $20 each, we play team that scores the most points takes all