Whispering Oaks
Our Corner Of The Woods
We hope you enjoy your visit and will stop by again to see our latest pictures, and family additions.
Photo section links follow our birthdays. Theres lots of us so be patient it really is down there.
Lucky Pierre Francais
December 24, 1984 Adpoted September 1987
Madame Midnight --- Lady Lace
April 8, 1998 Adpoted May 1998
Cary Freckles --- Rock Bootsy --- Anthony Leon
Rex Michael --- Doris Eileen
Madame Midnight is our mother, we were born on April 8 1999
Myrna Gina --- Mary Sara
Thelma Ann --- James Gordon
Lady Lace is our mother, we were born on June 9 1999
Rodney David
May 9, 1999 Adopted September 4, 1999
Howard Clark --- Robert Louis
May 5, 2001
Howard was adopted on June 17, 2001
Robert was adopted on June 28, 2001
Patricia Rose
July 9 2001 Adopted on December 15, 2001
William Oscar
September 8, 2001 Adopted on December 2, 2002
Virginia Kathryn
September 8, 2001 Adopted on June 23, 2003
Philip Cameron --- Elizabeth Lauren
Christopher Andrew Terrance
Charles Bernard Randolph
April 22, 2003 Virginia Kathryn is our mother. Adopted June 23, 2003
Thomas Daniel --- Jacqueline Nicole
July 9, 2003
Daniel was adopted September 25, 2003.
Nicole was adopted October 31, 2003.
Eve Marie
August 14, 2003 Adopted on September 25, 2003
Otis Campbell --- Mr Frisbee
Jennifer Clarabell Morrison --- Jubal Foster
April 5, 2004 Adopted April 15, 2004
Rafe Hollister
June 11, 2004 Adopted June 30, 2004
Elwood P Dowd --- Veta Louise Simmons
June 18, 2004 Adopted September 2004
Ben Sewell
June 25, 2004 Adopted August 2004
Mortimer Brewster --- Elaine Harper Brewster
Martha Brewster --- Abigail Brewster
July 22, 2004 Jacqueline Nicole is our mother.
Mortimer Brewster was the victim of a street accident on August 15, 2006.
Elaine Harper Brewster left home on the evening of August 20, 2008 and was never seen again. She is believed to be the victim of foul play.
Theodore Roosevelt Brewster
July 22, 2004 I was adopted on April 17, 2005.
Theodore Roosevelt Brewster left home on August 17, 2006 and was never seen again. He is believed to be the victim of foul play.
Marilyn Jean
May 9, 2006 I was adopted on July 5, 2006.
Myrtle May Simmons
May 9, 2006 I was adopted on June 20, 2007.
Aunt Ethel Chauvenet
April 7, 2004 I was adopted on July 14, 2007.
Dr. Chumley
July 31, 2007 I was adopted on October 2, 2007.
Herman Schimmelplusser
July 22, 2004 I was adopted on April 15, 2008.
I am the half brother of Abby, Martha, Elaine and Mortnimer. We all had Ernest T Bass for our father. I left home on July 7, 2008. I had almost 3 months to recoup and get my health back and thanks to mom I have it. I may or may not return when I feel the hunger pangs beginning again. Mom wants me too she says I need them all.
Lucky Dog
Midnight ~N~ Lace
Little Tony
Rex Michael
Care Bear
Doris Eileen
Little Man
Mary Sara
Myrna Gina
Howie Bubba
Shrimp Toast
Missy B
Evil Marie
Jen Jen
Jubal Jubal Jubal
Mr Otis
Rafey Doodle Bug
Fuzz Bob
Aunt Abby
Miss Elaine
Aunt Martha
Sara Lee
Smudge Bob
This page is under construction. Please be patient. Thanks. You may e mail me at whome1946@yahoo.com Thanks again for stopping, and have a wonderful day.