
Welcome. It is almost spring and I am excited. I love when the new spring season starts. I hope you enjoy your visit. Please feel free to sign the guestbook, and send me comments.
All my Best to you and yours, ~Salena~


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ABOUT ME A little bit about me, my family and friends.
REWARD PROGRAMS & STUFF Online reward programs, shopping message boards and more.
POSTCARDS & OTHER THINGS Links to postcard sites, and other fun online things to send your friends and loved ones.
A VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS A little information about the Victorian Christmas and how it was celebrated.
HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS Christmas recipes, ideas and links.
THE 'BABIES' My "babies", of the feline variety.
PLAYLAND A little page I made for the children in my life.
CYBER PETS My cyber pets, and online adoptions.
AWARDS Awards and gifts I have gotten while online.
WEBRINGS Webrings I ahve joined.
ADD YOUR LINK/VIEW OTHERS Add your webpage link here, and view ones left by others.

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