<BGSOUND SRC="/sheilacna/wonderfullife.mid">
             I am a Certified Nurses Aide. For me, it's not only a job, but a priviledge, to be able to take care of the elderly in their time of need. You have to have a heart, compassion, understanding, plus, which I was just reminded of, a good sense of humor, to be able to do our jobs sufficiently.
           And patience, truly, is a virtue! When you are working with the elderly, you need to take the time to get to know them and understand what they are going through. They have the need and the right to be taken care of the way you would want your loved ones to be treated.
          I start my day off with a smile when I walk through those doors. And most days, I leave with a smile! I laugh, joke and even sing as I work with the residents. If they are sad, I try to make them happy. When they cry, I make them laugh! When they need someone to talk to, I listen. Something is wrong, I try to make it right. There is more to this job then just washing, dressing, feeding and changing them. You can either be their sunshine or their darkness and I prefer to be their sunshine!
          I truly love my job and wouldn't give it up for anything. And I can tell you, there is a great need out there, for good CNA's, so if you don't know what to do with your life, get out there and make a difference in someone's life. It will be an experience you will never regret. I don't!
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