Our new pool was ready in August 2000

We bought a disposable type waterproof camera and went to work - underwater.
This is Mark...

...and Mark again
Hereīs Mark and cousin Lisl
try running the mouse over the picture
Mark again
Surprise surprise - Mark
just for a change...Mark - looking naughty
Mark being rude - so unlike him
Mark, Matthew and Tom being rude - itīs catching
This is cousin Matti
Hereīs Tom - not being rude
..and Matti again
Lisl without Mark
Mark is back - canīt keep him away
Hard to recognize, but is it...yes - itīs Mark
Mark - how many are there of him?
Could it be Jamie?
...and of course - Mark
Mark - the one and only

Mark and Matti

Hungry shark: "Any little rude and tasty children around here..."
Make the fish jump!
(with the mouse)
Thatīs all folks
Come back next year
Sorry about the loading times
(and the little rude boys
in some of the pictures)
and by the way the music was:
Give Me a Kiss To Build A Dream On
by Oscar Hammerstein II, 1935
more on www.smickandsmodoo.com