Fairy Prism's Teddy Page


I am a fairy for DCherished Teddies, this is a wonderful team with lots of spirit and friendship!! DTeddy is our team leader, and Lady Giggles is our Fairy Leader.

I will be putting lots of wonderful teddie graphics, gifts, adoptions, and dustings on this page, naturally with the Teddies theme. Hope you enjoy !!! Stick around and view all the fun things on this page. ---Thanks, Fairy Prism

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guardian sugar bush
The Teddies Guardian Angel -In Memory of Wee One Sugarbush

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The Cherished Teddies celebrated their first birthday !!!!
Here are some buttons I made for the celebration

We had party and some birthday cake!!!

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Here are some of my Teddies Awards

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The Site Fights Spirit Flowers-pink wicker angel
Send a Spirit Flower!

Thanks Lady Giggles

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers- dancing teddy
Send a Spirit Flower!

Thanks DTeddy

teddy line

This Cherished Teddies site is owned by Fairy Prism.
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