AT A GLANCE 20 year Reunion August 7-9, 2009 Facebook Group Announcement Blog Yahoo Group Schedule of Events Hotels with Room Blocks: Quality Inn 406-761-3410 All rooms $99.99 + tax O'Haire Motor Inn 1-800-332-9819 1 bed $72.50 + tax 2 beds $99.99 + tax Please call hotels directly for reservations. All non-guaranteed rooms in the block will be release July 1, 2009. |
Great Falls High School Class of '89 20th Reunion! The planners for our 20th reunion have announced the dates, August 7-9, 2009. For the most up to date news, check out the blog, and there is a group on Facebook, The contact email for them is I will post any info from those two sites on here. See the schedule available at left. Please check the Missing Classmates page to see if you can help find anyone. List current as of 3/30/2009. In memory, list of deceased classmates. The 10 year Great Falls High School reunion was held from July 16 - 18, 1999. |