Hi, Welcome to my home page.
My name is Brenda and I am the mother of two wonderful boys, Sean 19and Ryan 10. we are originally from Rhode Island,but now live in Maine.
   We have lived in Maine for 11 years now and  still love every moment.
  You can usually find me in Keno chatting with friends.
  I have met alot of sweet people since I have been on line. Most have become  very close to my heart. Coming into chat every day is like coming home to family.
  Please take time to check out all my pages and please visit all the links I have posted.Some links are of very good friends that have started new businesses.
   On the following pages you will see my family and a little bit of my farm. Hope you enjoy!
   Dont  forget to sign my guestbook let me know what you thought :o) THANKS
Family photos->

My farm->

Favorite links  page->

In Memory->
