Jesse's Cool Web Page
I have a new gf now. (her name is Kim)she is so nice I think we are made for each other but then again I don't think she belives me when I tell her lol.
I am 21-year-old and lives in Mount Pearl,Newfoundland,Canada. My name is Jesse/Trevor. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and I am about 5'7" tall. My picture is down below. I play well did play some sports. Some of the sports I played are hockey, shooting, running, weight lifting. I have a car and a motorbike. Trying to sell it now. The bike is a 1983 Honda 450 and I just fix the carburetor a few summers ago. The car is a mazda 626.
I have lots of frineds. Some of my good friend's are Dennis K, kim conway(G/F), and Colin H. Another thing I like to do is look at TV and on TV I watch dragon ball Z well did, and lots of movies. I love looking at movies. remember I have a guest book at the end of the site so befor you leave the site sign the guest book.
If you want you can click on the picture below to make the picture bigger!!!!!its my sexy gf KIM CONWAY.
If you want to know more you can E-mail me by clicking on the link below and ask me what every you want to know about me or you can type in Trevor Cave's Homepage on the metacrawler search under the email icon. You can also use the webcrawler search to look up what ever you want to know about.
Click down below for the schools web page.
This is a web page that I made of all my family
Dads picture page(good picture)
Jesse and kim's picture page(good picture)
If I am around check out my web cam!!
Pictures of some of my friends and of me
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