are ...
Teamed to SATISFY ... as a welcoming, first class HOSPITALITY team.
Teamed to EDIFY ... as a
caring, come-alongside COUNSELING team.
Teamed to CLARIFY ... as a "Back to the Basics" TEACHING team.
Teamed to UNIFY ... as a
"Beautiful Beginnings" WEDDING team.
Teamed to BEAUTIFY ... as a "Timeless Interiors" DESIGN team.
Why TeamMates in Ministry?
According to a recent survey of pastors in the United States:
H.B. London, Jr., head of Focus on the Family's Pastor Care
Department says, "Many hold on by their fingernails, hoping to
find a hidden spring to refresh their weary spirits and scrambled
* http://www.family.org/pastor/resources/,
May 22, 2004
We're On Your Team
After nearly 40 years in full-time vocational
ministry in missions and the pastorate, we sensed the leading
of the Lord to invest this next season of our life primarily
honoring and waiting on those servants of God who are always giving
themselves away.
There are so many who deserve to be on the
receiving end of ministry for a change. We mean it when we say we
can’t wait to wait on others so they can wait upon the LORD.
"Yet those who wait for the
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:31
Thus, TeamMates In Ministry was birthed early in 2004.
mission is
to lavish the love of God
on the servants of God
so they can better fulfill the call of God on their lives.
If you, or someone you know, is in need of refreshment and
encouragement, perhaps God would use us as one of his means to
supply just that. We live with the conviction that God has
teamed us together to encourage others in ministry, marriage and
Remember When ...
... you sensed God calling you into the ministry?
... you saw God opening doors and hearts?
... you felt God's guidance and blessing?
... you looked forward to Sundays with anticipation
and looked back on
them with joy?
... you and your wife felt like you were teammates in ministry?
... you and your staff felt like you were teammates in ministry?
... you knew you were fulfilling God's purpose
even when it didn't feel
... you were able to receive criticism or praise
without it distorting your perspective?
... you ministered out of overflow rather than deficit?
... you felt like a shepherd rather than a hireling?
... your wife felt you were married to her, not to the ministry?
... you were on the receiving end of ministry?
To learn more about this multifaceted ministry, see About
To view photos of accommodations, see the Inn at Rivermist.
For recommended resources see
David Jones' Locker.
To send us an e-mail, click here.