Hi! My name is Deborah. You can call me Deborah. I'm
17 and a junior in high school homeschool. I've been
homeschooled all my life (wow, that's a LONG time).
I like to do a lot of things. I'm usually reading or
babysitting, though. Other then that I like to write
letters, rollerblade, swim, play volleyball, youth
group, shop, talk on the phone, and
e-mail. I like to do a lot more stuff, but that's all
I'll tell you for now.

There are 9 people in my family including me. Let's
meet them. There's my dad, Bill. He's a Baptist
pastor. Yup. And there's my mom, Carole. She's a
homemaker and teaches us kids at home. Then there's
my siblings. First, Jonathan. He's 21 and is a
freshmen at Pensacola Christian College, majoring in
Criminal Justice. And then, Matthew. He's 20 and is
going to join the Marine Corps next year. I'm the
third child, and Jeremy is forth. He's 13 and in the
7th grade. Micah is 10 and a 3rd grader. Joshua is 6
and just started school (kidergarten). Hope is 1 year
old and so cute and funny and sweet and all that
Kay, now you wanna hear my life story? Here I go. It
all started when I was born, i think. Yeah, that's
when my life started. I was born in Abington, PA.
Well, that's what my parents say. I can't remember, I
was just a little baby at this time. My parents
thought I was switched at birth, because i looked
oriental. But when I got a little older, like about 6
months, I looked like a Gorman, so they took a sigh
of relief and moved on.
I was born in Abington, but I grew up in
Philadelphia. We moved once (from Philadelphia to
Philadelphia) when I was about 5. Then when I was 8,
we packed up and moved to Coral Springs, Florida. I
remember the day we left. We went over my Aunt
Patty's house to say bye, and everyone was crying. I
thought that was silly and asked my mom why everyone
was crying. "They don't know when they'll see us
again", she said (I think. I'm not too sure though
thought it was a big vacation. I had been to Florida
a few times before and I loved it. We've moved once since we've been here, but we still live in The Sunshine State.
Well, a very important part of my life is living for
God. I try to honor Him in everything I do. I
accepted Jesus into my heart when I was 6 and am
walkin' and talkin' with Him everyday. :) I know
Jesus saved me because in the Bible it says "that
whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish but have
everlasting life" (John 3:16).
That's it for now. If you wanna know more, you gotta
write to me and ask. :) E-mail
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