Kids, Family, and Friends with Special Needs
Hi, and thank you for stopping by. I have a lot to offer you on this web site. You will find links and information on Special Needs and personal sites that will make your heart smile :o) I am a mother of a child with Special Needs and I know what most parents need. We need to know we are not alone and that others care. We need to hear from others about what they are doing  and what has helped their child. So if you can help another parent or share some information, then by all means please do so. I will be happy to add anyone that wants a link on this site. I will try to add titles of book for different Special Needs and a place where you can buy them. If you are looking for a group support, try C.P.N. you will find a link to their site on this page. I hope you find this site enlightening. God Bless.

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This Families With Medical Issues site belongs to Angie(HouseMouse)

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