Rainbow over Ohio River from Cincinnati to Covington/Newport (click on picture to go to Cincinnati Enquirer)

Cincinnati, Ohio


(Move your mouse around on the page and find the links, mostly underlined)

A close resemblance to Pam

 I grew up in Florence, Kentucky and attended Boone County High School. Want to see our class reunion? Go to Boone County High School 1965 Class Reunion . I have 4 children (only 1 is really a child). Three live at home. Our house was built in 1923 and when we moved into it in 1971, it was a 2-family house. Soon after, we rented out the 2nd floor, and set out to update the inside--like panelling in the basement to create a family room and separate laundry room. Then along came our first child, Ty. After a few years our renter moved out and we didn't want the hassle of having a renter, so we moved upstairs. We (mostly Ron) remodeled the bathroom and removed un-neccessary items and remodeled what used to be the 2nd floor kitchen. Soon came Lisa and Jason. I started selling Tupperware when Jason was 2 years old. Later I worked at Biggs and along came our 4th child, Kevin. And, more remodeling followed--the attic became Ty's bedroom. This house is a constant project. Ron remodeled our 1st floor bathroom in the winter of 1999. It looks fabulous!

Learning is one of the constants in my life. Which is what led me to create this web page. I love to look for graphics, ecard sites, and information on the internet. Here are a few of my favorite sites:

ZD University -- where I learned to create this page

Here are some of the classes I have taken at ZDU:

Intro to HTML 4, Part 3 
Intro to HTML 4, Part 2 
Web Site Design, Part 1 
ZDU Workshop: Prepare Your PC for 2000 
Exploring Electronic Commerce 
ZDU Workshop: Five Ways to Find Tax Help on the Web 
Intro to HTML 4, Part 1 
Windows NT 4: System Administration 
Upgrading to Windows 98 
Windows 95 Installation and Support, Part 2 
Maintaining Your Own PC, Part 2 
Maintaining Your Own PC, Part 1 
Windows 95 Installation and Support, Part 1 
Troubleshooting Your Own PC 
Windows NT 4: System Administration   
Intro to Microsoft Networking 

Care2 -- send ecards and help the environment

Blue Mountain Cards -- send fun ecards

FAO Schwarz -- do all of your toy shopping or just dream about it

The Irish Times -- take a look at what's going on in Ireland

Cincinnati Enquirer -- our local morning newspaper (with links to lots of other news sites)

I love to read, crochet, and write. I would like to share recipes that were written for the stovetop or oven and how I have converted them for the microwave.

I belong to the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 484 here in Mt. Washington (Cincinnati suburb, sort of). And, I am currently the historian of the unit, past president, and chairman (yes, we have been requested to use chairman, not chairwoman) of the children and youth, education and public relations committees.

When I had the time, I used to sell Tupperware products (a Tupperware consultant!).

My husband, Ron, hard at work!

This is my husband, Ron, hard at work. He belongs to the American Legion here in Mt. Washington. He was in the US Navy during the Viet Nam conflict, which is how I can belong to the American Legion Auxiliary. By trade, he is a Tooling/Manufacturing Engineer. But, currently his is a school bus driver for Mariemont Schools and does marketing of books, etc. in Kmarts and CVS stores.

  • This all keeps me pretty busy!


  • Ty Young, senior at the University of Cincinnati, College of Applied ScienceTy's Senior Project -- Recreation Center for Florence, KentuckyTy is an architect. He graduated from the University of Cincinnati in June of 1999 with a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering Technology from the College of Applied Science. With the exception of one year, he went to college from the time he graduated from high school. He has also been working to pay for his tuition. He is employed by an architectural firm, KBA Architects, Inc., in Eastgate. He and Michelle Nazarovech were married June 2, 2001. He is a special person and a great guyand so is his wife!

    Ty and Michelle's Wedding Party

    Ty Young receiving award for Architectural Student of the Year from Department Head of Construction Science, Uwakweh Ben Obinero,B.S.,M.S.,Ph.D., at the University of Cincinnati, College of Applied Science




    Lisa is 27 and doesn't know what she wants to do (works at Jersey Mike's in Anderson Township) with the rest of her life. She likes to chat on the internet or the telephone and play "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?". She is really a treasure and a sweet girl! She is engaged to be married in May 2002.




    Jason is 25 and loves to put computers together and keeps changing them. He and a friend of his have networked the 7 computers at our house. He is more of a thinker! Boy, does he think!

    Kevin, after the wedding!Kevin (the child) is 15 started 9th grade at McNicholas High School in the Fall of 2001. He likes the internet, but mainly uses it to find information about playing Nintendo games and Pokemon/Digimon stuff. He is a quiet and delightful addition to our family!

    He attended Mt. Washington Elementary and it has it's own web page ( http://w3.one.net/~mtwash/ ), but can't keep up with it. Which is one of the things that got me started with this class. He also went to Archbishop McNicholas High School.

    Click here to see the newest members of our family (nieces and nephews)--Lauren Kelly Bernstein, Bradley and Sarah Stenger.

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    Last updated 8:29 AM EST March 15, 2002
