Genealogy pages
Bennett, Meeks, Lawson, Patterson
Come on in and make yourself at home.  Browse around, you may find a name, a rock, date or a family member you have been trying to find.  My family research took me to several coal mining and farming communities in southeastern Kentucky.   I walked on the same ground where they lived, had their children, cried, laughed and shared their hardships together.  I went to the cemeteries where some of the families had their own little corner but I didn't find any fancy headstones, instead I found several of my ancestor's final resting place marked with simple field stones with no inscriptions.   On one of my visits, I knelt down and placed my hand on one of the head stones, suddenly, I realized that I had touched a rock held and placed there by an ancestor over one hundred and fifty years ago to mark the final resting place of a loved one.  In awe, I felt I was standing on hallowed ground.  God only knows the ancestor those rocks hold, so I dedicate these pages to those ancestors already in the hands of God.   So be it then their names come to life and be spoken here.... 
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June 8, 1999