54th Annual Chattahoochee Bowling Association

Handicap Championship Tournament


Team Scratch

Team Name Total Score
 1) If Ya Smellalala 2553
 2) Snyder Snacke  2543
(Paying out 1 Place in Team Scratch)

Team Handicap

Name Hcp Scratch Score Total Score
 1) Beats Me 136 2482 2618
 2) Gamblers  485 2106 2591
 3) Here`s The Boom  45 2517 2562
 4) Snyder Snacks #2 16 2543 2559
 5) If Ya Smellala 0 2553 2553
 6) Hitmans Crew 335 2211 2546
 7) It`s On 112 2425 2537
(Paying out 6 Places in Team Handicap)


Doubles Handicap

Name Hcp Scratch Score Total Score
  1) James Godwin / Joe German 0 1,415 1,415
  2) Michael Tucker / Rusty Tucker 205 1203 1408
  3) Kevin Parker / Chris Wells  0 1398 1398
  4) Stephen Skibinski / Jeff Shaw  1390 1390
  5) David Rolfe / Floyd Davis  77 1302 1379
  6) Dale Hill / Tyrone Wesley  0 1369 1369
  7) Geno Prinicpe / Tommy McCord  42 1320 1362
  8) Michael Hester / John Wilfore  136 1222 1358
  9) Dare Edosoman / Walter Rivers  161 1171 1332
10) Paul Duncan / Leslie Nelson 145 1186 1331
11) Mark McNutt / Jim McPherrin 5 1321 1326
(Paying out 10 places in Doubles Handicap)

Doubles Scratch

Name Score
1) James Godwin / Joe German 1415
2) Kevin Parker / Chris Wells 1398
3) Stephen Skibinski / Jeff Shaw 1390
(Paying out 2 places in Doubles Scratch)

Singles Scratch

Name Total Score
1) Stephen Skibinski 710
2) Alexander Helton 701
3) Billy Rohde 696
4) Victor Davis 690
5) Jack Flammer 688
(Paying out 4 places in Singles Scratch)

Singles Handicap

Name Hcp Scratch Score Total Score
  1) Jack Flammer 35 688 723
  2) Alexander Helton 21 701 722
  3) Stephen Skibinski 0 710 710
  4) Otto Neukum  70 634 704
  5) Ricky Washington  164 539 703
  6) William Phillips  45 656 701
  7) Charles Reeves  78 621 699
  8) Billy Rohde  0 696 696
  9) Larmar Bramblett  51 644 695
10) Don Roberts  43 649 692
11) Victor Davis 0 690 690
12) Wayne Wickes 75 615 690
13) John Qualtrough 0 687 687
14) Tommy McCord 2 685 687
15) Max Woodall 72 612 684
16) Joe German 0 683 683
17) John Wilfore 64 618 682
18) Lee Evans 21 660 681
19) Jack Honea 99 579 678
20) Michael Hester 72 605 677
(Paying out 19 places in Singles Handicap)

All Events Scratch
Name Score
1) Joe German 2167
2) John Qualtrough 2137
3) Billy Rohde 2066
4) Tommy McCord 2041
5) Dan Bearden 1995
6) Stephen Skibinski 1982
7) Jim McPherrin 1960
8) Floyd Davis 1947
(Paying out 7 places in All Events Scratch)

All Events Handicap
Name Scratch Score Handicap Score
1) Joe German 2167 0 2167
2) John Qualtrough 2137 0 2137
3) Ricky Washington 1620 492 2112
4) Micnael Tucker 1455 615 2070
5) Billy Rohde 2066 0 2066
6) Tommy McCord 2041 6 2047
7) Dan Bearden 1995 0 1995
8) Geno Principe 1867 120 1987
(Paying out 7 places in All Events Hcp)

            Once all averages and scores are re-checked and verified checks will be written out!!!!

I want to thank everyone for bowling in the tournament and want to welcome every one back next year.
Chuck Whitaker
Chattahoochee Bowling Associatio
Asst.Secretary / Historian / Tournament Manager
e-mail: cba@smyrnacable.net