Family Roots Mt. Lake Area


Family Research Center

We welcome all family records!



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"There are only two lasting bequests we can give to our

children; One is ROOTS, the other wings."

³ Our purpose is to discover and preserve our genealogical records and to share these records with present and future generations.

³ We welcome all family histories especially Stoesz, Fast, Classen, Bartel, Hamm and Harder.

³ Also need information on the David Hamm (Oct. 25, 1818)and Marie Eitzen (Sep. 29, 1829) family.

³ I am using “Brother’s Keeper” program with Windows version 5.2 F as my Genealogy Program. From John Steed in Rockford, MI 49341. It is a shareware product by copyright. It is not a free software but a method to distribute software whereby copies maybe passed around to determine whether
or not the program is suitable for you.

³ I organize all my family data information using “Brother’s Keeper” which includes 71,000 (sur?) names and many more available through my other genealogy sources listed below.


Other Genealogy Resources

Adeline Friesen cjfriese@rconnect
Carol Friesen - 215,493 names.

Alma Regier 131,670 names.

Grandma Genealogical data Base Vol. 4  By the California, Mennonite Historical Society.  672,293 names.


Other Recommended Pages


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Arlene Stoesz at

39891 610th Ave.

Butterfield, MN 56120
(507) 956-2644


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