Family Roots Mt. Lake Area
Family Research Center We welcome all family records!
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"There are only two lasting bequests we can give to our children; One is ROOTS, the other wings." ³ Our purpose is to discover and preserve our genealogical records and to share these records with present and future generations. ³ We welcome all family histories especially Stoesz, Fast, Classen, Bartel, Hamm and Harder. ³ Also need information on the David Hamm (Oct. 25, 1818)and Marie Eitzen (Sep. 29, 1829) family. ³ I am using “Brother’s Keeper” program with Windows version 5.2 F as my Genealogy Program. From John Steed in Rockford, MI 49341. It is a shareware product by copyright. It is not a free software but a method to distribute software whereby copies maybe passed around to determine whether ³ I organize all my family data information using “Brother’s Keeper” which includes 71,000 (sur?) names and many more available through my other genealogy sources listed below.
Adeline Friesen cjfriese@rconnect Alma Regier 131,670 names. Grandma Genealogical data Base Vol. 4 By the California, Mennonite Historical Society. 672,293 names.
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