The Last Request

This page is a tribute to my mother-in-law, Helen, who left us to touch the face of God, and to be with her husband Bill, June 2, 2000. The picture above is the day she and my father-in-law were married back in 1947. I take solace in the fact that I know she is with Bill again and they are sitting down playing cards just like they always did. And that her pain and suffering is over.The tears that I cry for her now, are not only tears of sadness, but also tears of joy, for I know that she is finally at peace.

May the anguish and the heartache as we share these final hours
Be tempered with serenity and prayer.
And may understanding wind its way through sadness and through tears
Till the emptiness within you is not there.
May you realize that even though I've left you for a time
That only one small part is laid to rest.
That part of me-that flesh and bone-corrupted by disease-
Has no place in this-my last request.

I ask that they who grieve and mourn will celebrate instead
My Spirit, now unbound and flying free.
For the open hearts and open minds of those who will believe
Shall still receive their comfort yet from me
Look for me in the gentle breeze or in the summer rains
I'll be there with the blossoms in the Spring.
Look for me in that twilight time, twixt wakefulness and sleep
I'll be with you, too, when birds and children sing.
Should Life's distractions bring you down-should you be feeling blue
Should you be in need of counsel and of care,
Just think of me and I'll respond, for my Spirit is nearby-
Just call on me, my friends and I'll be there.

Author: Steven Stoker


Please visit this page my
friend Chrissy made for our sweet Mother Helen.
Thank you Chrissy.

The sun came up this morning
It wasn’t very bright
My dark mood cast a shadow
It’s hard to see the light

We all have just one mother
And, now her life on earth is done
The emptiness and loss I feel
Makes it hard to see the sun

Tomorrow is a brand new day
May the pain and sadness lighten
I will remember all her love
And, then the sky will brighten

Gone is not forgotten
Her love remains behind
She’s traveled in a new direction
Love knows no space or time

I will always love her
She will care for me from above
She will send me starlight and rainbows
To remind of her love.

By: Christine McClimans

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