America Lives Here

Welcome to "America Lives Here!"
A place where freedom rings, and reminds us why we're proud to be an American.

I think by now you must realize that Americans
stick together, that we will not tolerate your
cowardly behavior. Oh yeah, you got a good one
in alright,we call it a sucker punch and although we
were wasn't for long, I think the count
was just seconds!
And if you were watching I'll bet you were amazed
at how fast we were on our feet reaching a helping
hand to those injured. I'll bet you were shocked
at how fast we responded to your cowardice.

Well, Mr. Terrorist we do it a little differently in this
country, we won't sneak up on you with a bomb
strapped to our bodies and we don't bother with
hijacking planes and killing innocent people. We've
looked you right in the eye and told you...
we're coming, get ready.

We have openly declared war on you, and
unfortunately for you so has most of the free world.
In fact to your shame so have many of the good people
in your own country!
You have much to be ashamed of Mr. Terrorist.

You say this is a holy war?
Well we beg to differ with you, your war is one
of terror and it has nothing to do with God! If
you really believed in your own cause then why don't
you stand up and fight like a man? If you feel the
need to do sneak attacks and hide in caves and
squat behind big rocks surely even you must
realize your war is one of cowardice.

And by the way, there isn't a cave big enough
or deep enough to protect you now. You murder
in cold blood, not just Americans, but your
very own people! You beat your own innocent
women, children and men to death, you starve them,
and your own "holy" soldiers burn homes and rape
women and children! That makes you nothing but
common criminals of the lowest form.
Your people fear you. They hide from you.
The world sees you as anything but holy!

In our great country we have the freedom to disagree
with our leaders, we can protest, call, or write letters
without fear of reprisal. One of our great leaders said,
"Walk softly and carry a big stick."
And we do that Mr. Terrorist, in fact by now I am
sure you have discovered just how big that stick is! You
will be defeated no matter how long it takes to route you
out of your caves, we will turn over every rock until all of
you are wiped from the face of the earth.
America today is still the most wonderful land in the world,
we still have our freedom but now we add caution,
keep a wary eye out for people like you. We stand in
lines just a little longer but none of us has complained!
Not only have our government agencies been watching;
for you but the American people are watching for you...

Believe me Mr. Terrorist, the last thing you want is
for one of our American good ole' boys or good ole' gals
to get a hold of you! So if any of your terrorist buddies
are still lurking about in our country in their sneaky
way you had better warn them!

I am sure they have told you that no matter where
they go they see American Flags flying high and
waving proudly, from every home to cars and trucks!
Do they wonder what that means? Well let me explain...
it is a show of unity, it means we stand behind our
government 100%, it means we are all patriots,
it means we are in this fight together,
it is a show of brotherly love,
(something you wouldn't know anything about)
it means we are ready Mr. Terrorist to take you on,
it means we will fight to the death to protect
the United States of America! You see Mr. Terrorist,
simply put...we love our country.

You had better think about that, and then look around
your own country, do you see any flags waving, do you
see unity among your people? Any brotherly love?
Or do you see despair, fear, and hunger?

You see Mr. Terrorist, we the people of the United
States of America prefer peace and love.
You have forced us into this war and you
will pay the penalty. It will not end quickly for
we are determined to rid the earth of your kind.
So go ahead and tuck yourself in your cave
.......but keep a wary eye out....
for we ARE coming.

Charlotte Anselmo

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