Welcome to my Guestbook!

Bill Robinson - 09/24/99 19:26:40

We are there! It has been worth all the time and work. It is time for the 40 Year Reunion. Thank you for everyone's support and help. THANK YOU KAY, WHAT A CHAIRPERSON....

Bob Sparks - 08/13/99 14:31:16
My Email:rlsparks@swbell.net
address: 7947 Xavier Court
City: Dallas
State: TX. 75218-4513
Phone: 214-321-3311

Great job Myra. Brought back many fond memories, see you at the reunion.

anne brandt - 06/10/99 20:36:28
My Email:apanda59@aol.com
address: 724 ne 79th terr
City: kansas city
State: mo
Phone: (913) 468-7020

what a wonderful class!! great to keep in touch. thanks to all who contributed.

jackie studer - 05/28/99 03:21:23
My Email:Msjakeee@aol.com
address: 8510 Bradshaw
City: Lenexa


WILLIAM D (BILL)THAYER - 05/19/99 02:36:59
My Email:bth9177409@aol.com
address: 4905 DOUGLAS AVE
State: KS.
Phone: 913-596-2812

Thank You MYRA. You have brought back some fond memories for me. My WIFE (BETTY FRAZIER THAYER)WYANDOTTE HIGH CLASS 1960 plan to attend REUION.

Bruce Schlosser - 05/10/99 02:28:20
address: 2306 N. 88th
City: Kansas City
State: Kansas 66109
Phone: 913-299-2084

Super Work - Thanks so much

Alice Geer Singer - 05/09/99 20:42:57
My Email:amsinger@sunlink.net
address: 120 Independence Rd.
City: East Stroudsburg
State: Pa.
Phone: 570 4218989

Pictures are great and this class is too altho I was not part of the "in" group I think we had a good class. Alice Singer

Bob Clyde - 05/09/99 06:09:31
My Email:HRCatman@aol.com

Great old photos of "the way we were".

Billy Hone - 04/20/99 09:59:04


Roy L. Tooley - 03/25/99 02:51:48
My Email:
address: 2700 Stephan Road
City: Louisville
State: Kentucky
Phone: 502-633-3345


Joyce (Henry) Worthington - 03/25/99 01:13:02
My Email:joyce5@ix.netcom.com
address: 10606 W 54 St
City: Shawnee
State: KS
Phone: 9132680496

Let's Bowl!

Don Habernal - 03/24/99 17:46:01
My Email:colostreaker@netscape.net
address: 10649 Ogden St.
City: Northglenn
State: Colorado
Phone: 303-457-8086

Looking forward to visit old friends and school mates. Come on September....

Don & Karon (Flies) Stroup - 03/23/99 21:09:13
My Email:Karodon@juno.com
address: 2120 E Sheridan Bridge Ln.
City: Olathe
State: Kansas
Phone: (913) 764 - 0719

Myra You have done a great job creating this web page. It is a tremendous asset to the future success of the reunion. Anxious to see future creations.

Kay Jiohnston tucker - 03/23/99 05:30:42
My Email:chefkay@qni.com
address: 7627 w 93rd
City: Overland Park
State: KS

Myra, it just keeps getting better and better! My congratulations to you, and my thanks to you for all the hard work! We are going to have a great reunion because we have been communicating with so many of our classmates. There is so much enthusiasm about the reunion, about seeing each other again. You have a lot to do with that! Thank you!!!!!!

Don Schone - 03/19/99 17:25:27
My URL:http://members.home.net/dschone/401k
My Email:DSchone@Home.com
address: 22382 Canaveras
City: Mission Viejo
State: CA 92691
Phone: (949) 830-8158

Talk about Wyandotte FOREVER! One click and you're back in '59. Great tool for rekindling memories. Thanks!

Vicki Kapnick Gershon - 03/18/99 22:21:21
My Email:hgershon@juno.com


Stan Walton - 03/18/99 03:39:27
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~swalton1
My Email:swalton1@flash.net
address: 79 W Indian Sage Circle
City: The Woodlands
State: TX 77381
Phone: 281-298-6255

Great web site. See you in the fall.

Mary Ann (Sheue) Jennings - 03/17/99 02:59:18
My Email:Raggss@worldnet.att.net
address: 2342 SW Brookfield St.
City: Topeka
State: KS

Looking forward to a terrific 40th reunion! Many thanks to the planning committee who are giving this event their all. I've been retired for 2.5 years but find that there is plenty to do. Hope lots of the gals turn out for the golf outing so we can sho the guys we can play too.

Linda (Ivie) Lenz - 03/16/99 15:54:16
My Email:Jlenz@mediaone.net
address: 642 Hollows Circle
City: Deerfield Beach
State: Florida
Phone: 954-421-7983`

Reading everyone's comments has been fun. I look forward to attending the actual reunion! Keep up the good work, we appreciate it very much.

Jim Linville - 03/15/99 03:06:40
My Email:jel11155@aol.com
City: Sun City,
State: AZ

I really liked seeing the old photos. Keep it up, this is great.

Sarah (Riley) Kenny - 03/13/99 17:06:11
My Email:sxkenny@aol.com
City: Albuquerque
State: NM 87111

Congratulations, Myra, on your excellent work. Too bad it took our class so long to go online. Wouldn't it have been fun to have this page to browse even in non-reunion years! I hope we can keep it going in the future. Thanks again!

Bill Robinson - 03/13/99 16:26:11
My Email:Billofkans@aol.com
City: Kansas City

Great Page - I Love What You Have Done. Makes me proud to be a Bulldog........

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