Hi and welcome to my *Doll's* page. I am just learning how to make *SHY KID'S*..a lot of my *friend's* know how I like to *fiddle* as they put it..........so they got together and said *hey I bet our Anita could make those".....and hey presto this is my attempt at *SHY KID'S*.....hehehehe......lol. I hope you all like my little friends.......since I have started making them I am getting orders for more..........wowowow a millionaire in the making.........lol...I wish. But not to worry I am enjoying making them. So if any of you kid's.......ladies etc on the *net* are interested.......who knows I might make one for ya.........ya can always email moi and find out more about my little friends.....anyway *enjoy* my efforts ô¿ô