Sarah D. Gillespie, Tent #7, DUV
List of Individuals Who Have Been Members
Known Real Daughters, and Current Members
Information taken from Applications of Members, Minute Books, Charter, Register, all property of Sarah D. Gillespie Tent # 7. (Applications are not on file for all members.) Updated 02/27/04
Abel, Hazel |
Hemple, Bernhardt - NE |
Adamson, May E. |
Donaldson, James R. - IA |
Alexander, M. Charlotte |
Hitchcock, Martin - IL |
Allen, Flora B. |
Anderson, Elizabeth |
Shannan, Harvey G. - IA |
Anderson, Kathryne C. |
Lee, John Wesley - VA |
Andrews, Jessie |
Gilbert, Alson I. - IL |
Artz, Marie |
Young, Charles M. - MO |
Ault, Nettie |
Bach, Donna F. |
Hollett, William K. - IL |
Bailey, Opal J. |
Schafersman, Goltlieb - IL |
Balis, Nellie McKesson |
Swisher, William Baker - OH |
Balster, Georgia A. |
Bates, Silas - IN |
Baroch, Ruth |
Graham, William T. - IN |
Barrett, Susan L. |
Johnson, Abner - WI |
Barton, Florence A. |
Crick, Thomas - NY |
Barton, Harriet E. |
Ginter, Henry D. - IL |
Bassett, Ruth M. |
Watson, Albert E. - IA |
Beatty, Madge |
Wood, Martin V. - IL |
Beaver, Anna O. |
Edwards, James D. - IA |
Beeman, Ethel |
Solt, Cornelius - OH |
Bell, Dr. Maude R. |
Whitemarsh, George L. - IA |
Benedict, Sarah J. |
Stahl, Jacob S. - WI |
Bentz, Marie V. |
Dunn, Lewis - IN |
Benzing, Mable | Meyer, Gottiet - NE |
Beran, Colleen C. |
Donaldson, James R. - IA |
Berglund, Katherine M. |
Mason, Otis I. - IL |
Bermaster, Selma A. |
Kreachbaum, David - OH |
Bignell, Ellinor |
Mosher, Meriquois - NY |
Bly, Irma V. |
Bly, Perry - NY |
Boehner, Helen K. |
Shaffer, Joseph - PA |
Boesen, Lori Lea |
Wilkins, James H. - IL |
Boesen, Mildred E. |
Wilkins, James H. - IL |
Boswell, Ferne |
Surber, Erial - MO |
Boucher, N. Ruth |
Van Horn, David M. - IA |
Bowen, Ruth B. |
Meese, Alexander O. - OH |
Boyle, Maureen L. |
Morris, George W. - IL |
Boyle, Shirley M. |
Morris, George W. - IL |
Brinkruff, Zella J. |
Payne, Thomas J. - IN |
Brooks, Isa M. |
Long, James A. - MO |
Bross, Bessie C. |
Bross, Harman - MI |
Brown, Bertha |
Crick, Thomas - NY |
Brown, Miss Ida O. |
Brown, Sylvester H . - NY |
Brown, Vera E. |
Brown, John - IA |
Brubaker, Elfreda M. |
Elliott, James M. - WI |
Brubaker, Irene E. |
Browning, John J. - IL |
Bryant, Harriet E. |
Davis, Robert R. - PA |
Burt, Thelma P. |
Kingsolver, Charles - MO |
Burton, Sunbeam |
Lindsey, Starling W. - MO |
Callender, Gladys M. |
Callender, Solomon - IL |
Carlson, Evelyn |
Chappell, Jesse - IN |
Carothers, Ethel L. |
Owen, William A. - TN |
Cartwright, Bonnie R. |
Glenn, William - IL |
Cartwright, Gladys M. |
Donaldson, James R. - IA |
Cary, Iva R. |
Mizen, George - WI |
Cherny, Arlene A. |
Axen, Agge - IL |
Clark, Charis |
Cady, George W. - IL |
Clark, Darlene J. |
Ross, Henry W. - IA |
Clark, Elinor |
Cady, George W. - IL |
Clark, Esther |
Cady, George W. - IL |
Clouse, Zephyr A. |
Brown, Elisha K. - IL |
Cole, Rachel |
Cone, Lois E. |
Blanchard, Martin - KS |
Cooper, Marie |
Fancher, Abram -WI |
Corey, Leona B. |
Fetterman, John - PA |
Cowden, Essie |
Myers, Henry C. - OH |
Crandall, L. Oneita |
Weed, Charles M. - W VA |
Craphenhoft, Allie W. |
Umsted, M. J. - IA |
Crumbliss, Effie |
Lemon, Lemuel D. - NE |
Cummings, Sherlie J. |
Johnson, George W. - WI |
Curd, Laureta |
McLellan, Joseph - IN |
Curd, Lennie |
McLellan, Joseph R. - IN |
Davey, Winnefred |
Davison, Annabel |
Vetter, J. J. - MI |
Derr, Fern M. |
Hutson, John - IA |
Dietz, Marilyn L. |
Lambert, Victor - IL |
Dodd, Mrs. Qeene C. |
McCormick, William - IL |
Douglas, Dorothy |
Elliott, James M. - WI |
Drewing, Wilma E. |
Selden, Gideon - IL |
Duer, Dora H. |
Chubbuck, John - NY |
Duffield, Gwendolyn G. |
Mahon, James C. - IN |
Duval, Ruby J. |
Rosensteil, Jacob - PA |
Ebert, Zelda J. |
Gentry, J. M. - TN |
Ellis, Velda |
Gould, Irwin - IL |
Ellison, Doris |
Thomas, Thomas - WI |
Emery, Angeline L. |
Scott, Hiram W. - IA |
Eppens, Ruby R. |
Reed, Alpheus H. - NY |
Evans, Mary M. |
Evans, Isaiah D. - WI |
Evans, Mary R. |
Lyons, Acel - KS |
Dolen, Phylory R. |
Bowling, Isaac W. - KY |
Everett, Nina |
Sheldon, Henry - IL |
Ferguson, Mildred E. |
Hursh, Jacob - PA |
Finch, Velma L. |
Boone, Hiram - IL |
Fisher, Mabel L. |
Jones, Edward - NY |
Fleming, Irene |
Brooks, John - IA |
Floth, Winifred C. |
Allen, Theodore - IA |
Folger, Marjorie |
Dey, John B. - IA |
Folk, Sylvia V. |
McClure, William - WI |
Fraley, Eva |
Grantham, William P. - OH |
Frank, Georgene |
Hempel, Bernard - NE |
Gable, Jessie A. |
Weeks, L. A. - IL |
Ganz, Opal G. |
Schafersman, Gotlieb - IL |
Garner, Lila M. |
Schilling, Herman - IL |
Gerding, Deborah D. |
Gerding, Harry - IA |
Gerding, Estella A. |
Donaldson, James R. - IA |
Gies, Patricia A. |
Donaldson, James R. - IA |
Gilmore, Hannah |
Glather, Mary |
Gompert, Mayrene A. |
Swartz, Isaac - MO |
Grant, Ellen |
Vetter, Joshua - MO |
Gravis, Mamie B. |
McClure, Wm. - WI |
Gray, Judith J. |
Elliott, James M. - WI |
Gray, Pauline L. |
Elliott, James M. - WI |
Green, Martha |
Watson, John M. - PA |
Greenfield, Kathryn K. |
Merrifield, Lyman R. - |
Grimm, Evelyn R. |
Burnett, Luther - NY |
Grimm, Mrs. Merle |
Burnett, Luther T. - NY |
Grovert, Edyth M. |
Gillespie, Sylvanus R. - MO |
Guest, Hallie C. |
Warner, Peter W.- WI |
Guest, Maria C. |
Warner, Peter W. - WI |
Hackstadt, Ilene |
Jacobs, Franklin - VT |
Hageman, Bess S. |
Hughes, John W. - OH |
Hale, Louise |
Harrison, Charles - IL |
Haller, Gwendolyn | Plager, Henry - IA |
Hamm, Fae V. |
Turner, Thomas E. - IL |
Hammel, Lois E. |
Fisher, William F. - WI |
Hammond, Rhea |
Quinn, Robert M. - KS |
Hanich, Mrs. Merle |
Nofsker, William A. - PA |
Harris, Cleo A. |
Quinn, Robert M. - IA |
Hartz, Dorothy |
Dey, John B. - IA |
Hassinger, Hattie A. |
Hartzel, John - IL |
Hatch, Debra L. |
Donaldson, James R. - IA |
Havlicek, Eunice |
Smith, John W. - IA |
Heffelbower, Holly A. |
McKane, John W. - IN |
Heffelbower, Wilma R. |
McKane, John W. - In |
Hitz-Snethen, Helen R. |
Forbes, Daniel C. - IA |
Hollar, Clara |
Hollingshead, Maud W. |
Shamp, Gerome/Jerome - IN |
Hornath, Terri L. |
Donaldson, James R. - IA |
Howland, Karen A. |
Lambert, Victor - IL |
Huffman, Holly M. |
Close, John A. - WI |
Hughes, Margaret |
Hughes, John - OH |
Hunt, Betty L. |
McClure, William - WI |
Hunt, Elizabeth J. |
McClure, William - WI |
Hunt, Karen Jean |
Hunt, James - PA |
Hunt, Stella M. |
Lowe, George - KY |
Jarrett, Doris |
Wilhelm, Jerry - MD |
Johns, Leora H. |
Carter, James P. - IL |
Johnson, Genevieve |
Barwick, Joseph S. - IL |
Johnson, Hazel |
Rowell, John W. - NY |
Johnson, Lenore N. |
Richards, Robert - PA |
Jurgens, Peggy |
Boone, Hiram - IL |
Keef, Dorothy | |
Kemp, Ruby |
Rosenteil, Jacob - PA |
Kennedy, Fanna G. |
Maze, Wesley A. - IN |
Ketchum, Monica A. |
Glenn, William - IL |
Kirlin, Kathryn |
Merrifield, Lyman R.. - NY |
Klyver, Luella S. |
Pask, Joseph - IL |
Koops, Hazel |
Marvin, Henry M. - MI |
Kordik, Deanna M. |
Roach, John - IL |
Kordik, Karen L. |
Roach, John F. - IL |
Kruger, Enid June |
Patton, Simeon - MO |
Lackey, Chrissie |
Nickel, Benjamin - |
Lane, Velma |
Ehlers, William H. - IL |
Lang, Mrs. Ilo F. |
Hutson, John - IA |
Langevin, Dora B. |
Dickerson, William R. - NE |
Latta, Lillian |
Essex, Hiram - IA |
Lear, Sarah M. |
Davis, Allen - IA |
Lerning, Mate |
Lohrenz, Janet |
Murphey, Alexander - PA |
Long, Annie E. |
Wood, Eli - IN |
Long, Leila M. |
Dunlap, Charles H. - IL |
Loos, Iva H. |
Wood, Israel - IL |
Lorentzen, Mary A. |
Wilson, Thomas F. - W VA |
Lorenzen, Geraldine | Pump, Frederich - OH |
Lustrea, Audrey M. |
Hoyt, James L. - NY |
Lutt, Dianne Lea |
Pollard, Malcolm - VT |
Lyon, Lois E. |
Pontuis, William H. - OH |
Lytle, Dayle G. |
Morrow, John - WI |
Mahood, Josephine |
Dey, John B. - IA |
Mantor, Mabel |
Marshall, George W. - IA |
Marhenke, Ruth |
Hobbs, John - OH |
Martin, Hazel |
Bettis, Andrew J. - TN |
McCaulley, F. Adelaide |
Townsend, John W. - IN |
McCaulley, Vivian J. |
Townsend, John W. - IN |
McCoy, Nellie E. |
Salisbury, John S. - NE |
McCracken, Janet |
Kreachbaum, David - OH |
McDowell, Teresa |
Hempel, Bernard - NE |
McKie, LaVora |
Woodard, Hibbard D. - IL |
McLafferty, Margaret |
Keifer, Joseph W. - OH |
McNeil, Patricia A. |
Donaldson, James R. - IA |
McNeil, Peggy A. |
Donaldson, James R. - IA |
McPherson, Elizabeth J. |
McClure, William - WI |
McRae, Letha H. |
Jones, Eli B. - IL |
Means, Grace |
Wilson, William - OH |
Medley, Gene M. |
Murphey, Alexander - PA |
Medley, Rose M. |
Murphey, Alexander - PA |
Meese, Ruth B. |
Meese, Alexander O. - OH |
Melker, Gertrude |
Longstaff, John - PA |
Menefee, Beverly |
Nortoni, Edward W. - MA |
Metcalf, Dorothy |
Taylor, Franklin - IL |
Meyers, Edith L. |
Orvis, Clarkson F. - IL |
Miller, Charlotte G. |
Edwards, George W. - IL |
Miller, Louise |
Raper, Andrew - IN |
Miller, Mabel B. |
Laughery, Samuel C. - IA |
Mockett, Emily J. |
Mockett, John H. - WI |
Mohler, Mrs. Ewart |
Word, M. V. - IL |
Mooney, Fay |
Cochran, John T. - IN |
Moore, Mary |
Lohr, Jacob Y. - PA |
Moore, Olive |
Ball, Solomon - OH |
Mosher, Maude Y. |
Murphy, Mabel I. |
Eggleston, Benjamin - IL |
Muse, Ruth B. |
Meese, Alexander O. - |
Neely, Charlene | Eskridge, Seth - IN |
Nelson, Aileen |
Nelson, Alford M. - IA |
Nelson, Evelyn E. |
Curtis, Harrison J. - OH |
Nelson, Gladys |
Watson, Albert E. - IA |
Norris, Olie S. |
Sunderlin, Freeman - VT |
Northway, Rosalind J. |
Herrick, Albert A. - IL |
Oberle, Laurena |
Pump, Friedrich - OH |
Outz, Harriet E. |
Orvis, Clarkson F. - IL |
Overstreet, Dolly |
Degarma, E. - |
Overstreet, Juna |
Cameron, Joseph - IN |
Owens, Zelia A. |
Holeman, George - IN |
Ozbun, Barbara | |
Pabian, Virginia M. |
Nortoni, Edward W. - MA |
Paist, Marjorie |
Fletcher, Jonathan N. - NY |
Payne, Lula B. |
Payne, Thomas J. - KY |
Penton, Nellie J. |
Olney, Henry E. - IA |
Perry, SaraEllen O. |
Tibbetts, Oliver H. - IN |
Peterson, Elizabeth L. |
Smith, Joseph P. - PA |
Peterson, Ethel |
Hughey, James W. - IA |
Pettit, Amy Jo |
Wilkins, James H. - IL |
Pettit, Gretchen | Wilkins, James H. - IL |
Pettit, Melissa Jo |
Wilkins, James H. - IL |
Pettit, Pamelo Jo |
Wilkins, James H. - IL |
Pierce, Louise T. |
Mason, James - IL |
Place, Betsy A. |
Brooks, John - IA |
Place, Ruth |
Vetter, Joshua J. - MI |
Poltz, Grace I. |
Jones, Edward - NY |
Preston, Judy L. |
Preston, Edgar D. - WI |
Provost, Nettie |
Drake, Andrew S. - |
Ramsey, Leta M. |
Johnson, George W. - WI |
Rankin, Delhiah |
Walsh, Thomas C. - IA |
Rathbun, Elizabeth |
Brazelton, John B. - IN |
Reed, Adele |
Kunz, Sr., Christian D. - MO |
Reed Deena A. |
Hoyt, James L. - NY |
Reichert, Ida | Miller, George - OH |
Reichwein, Rachel |
Thomas, Thomas - WI |
Reid, Carrie |
Longstaff, John - PA |
Rensch, Ella E. |
Ruwe, August H. - IL |
Reynolds, Alice |
Wilcox, William T. - KS |
Rice, Charity J. |
Chubbuck, John - NY |
Ritenour, Lucille F. |
Gibbs, Sr., William - MI |
Rivett, Truda |
Spease, John C. - IN |
Robinson, Mary H. |
Nelson, Paul H. - IA |
Robinson, Ora M. |
Ruhl, David C. - OH |
Rodgers, Genevieve |
Gaston, John C. - PA |
Rogers, Hattie G. |
Lambert, Victor - IL |
Romans, Velma I. |
Donaldson, James R. - IA |
Roseberry, Esther E. |
Hunt, James - PA |
Rosewell, Leona B. |
Fetterman, John - PA |
Russell, Elizabeth D. |
Mahan, James Curtis - IN |
Russell, Kathleen E. |
Mahon, James C. - IN |
Russell, Pauline L. |
Elliott, James M. - WI |
Sain, Winifred G. |
Arnold, Aner S. - PA |
Samuelson, Ruth |
Harris, J. F. - IA |
Santo, Irene |
Heft, Peter - IL |
Savage, Geraldine C. |
Wendorff, Ferdinand - WI |
Schaffer, Helen |
Nord, John M. - IL |
Schiebil, Ruth E. |
Donaldson, James R. - IA |
Schneider, Barbara E. |
Gochenour, Isaac W. - NE |
Schneider, Christine |
Hamblin, William H. - IL |
Schrumpf, Nannette |
Bayes, Wm. - OH |
Schultz, Lola F. |
Riggins, Asa V. - IL |
Schultz, Merle |
Farris, William J. - MO |
Seamark, Erma | |
Sharp, Thera D. |
Colwell, Fernado N. - OH |
Shepard, Ruby C. |
Welch, Henry C. - IA |
Sherwood, Mabel E. |
Boston, John A. - IL |
Skinner, Lucille |
Pump, Friederick - OH |
Skudler, Marjorie |
David, Elijah B. - IL |
Slagle, Charlotte |
Imler, Isaac M. - PA |
Slezak, Marguerite |
Whitemarsh, George L. - IA |
Smedley, Fannie M. |
Van Gordon, William H. - OH |
Smith, Amy |
Burdick, Joshua P. - NE |
Smith, Edith E. |
Elliott, James M. - WI |
Smith, Laura E. |
Kolb, William D. - IN |
Smith, Margaret L. |
Scott, Hiram W. - IA |
Smith, Martha J. |
McCormick, William - IL |
Spencer, Leona |
Spencer, Sr., John F. - IL |
Spomer, Marie |
Miller, Samuel T. - IL |
Stalcup, Constance |
Stalcup, Usher J. - IA |
Standley, Margaret | McElvain, James E. - MO |
Stanley, Mildred |
Stanley, William A. - IN |
Stearman, Goldie L. |
Donaldson, James R. - IA |
Steenbarger, Betty L. |
Bundy, Lorene D. - WI |
Stephens, Lillian N. |
Clary, William C. - KS |
Strasser, Hazel |
Tillema, Meindert - IA |
Stubbs, Shirley M. |
Donaldson, James R. - IA |
Summers, Doreen B. |
Cathcart, William C. - IL |
Swartz, Mabel M. |
Hoyt, James L. - NY |
Taylor, Esther A. |
Blanchard, Martin V. - KS |
Thomas, Veda |
Boone, Hiram - IL |
Thompson, Vera E. |
Ashton, William B. - IL |
Titterington, Fern M. |
Hutson, John A. - IA |
Tudor, Jessie Scott |
Scott, Hiram W. - IA |
Tyson, Marjorie |
Coon, Wm. - IL |
Vahle, Florence A. |
Crick, Thomas - NY |
Van Boskirk, Vale B. |
Babcock, Herman A. - WI |
Veeder, Frances |
Morris, George W. - IL |
Walbridge, Juanita M. |
Boone, Hiram - IL |
Watts, Alice A. |
Mosher, Nathaniel - NY |
Way, Mabel |
Lauver, Charles - PA |
Way, Maxine E. |
Morris, George W.. - IL |
Weaver-Ferree, Wilda |
Clark, James W. - OH |
Webster, Annis B. |
Lowe, George - KY |
Weigandt, Katherine R. |
Cullimore, John - MO |
Weinberger, Maud |
Schamp, Gerome/Jerome - IN |
Westcott, Carol L. |
Deitch, Stephen - IN |
Whisler, Hazel |
Rowell, John W. - NY |
White, Maude E. |
Lafferty, Samuel P. - IL |
Whited, Jessie |
Whited, Isaac - IA |
Whiting, Patricia |
Stern, Franklin - PA |
Willey, Elizabeth A. |
Willard, Elias - OH |
Williams, Hazel M. |
Hutson, John - IA |
Wilson, Mary A. |
Wilson, Thomas F. - W. VA |
Wilson, Zora Rae |
Green, Elbert D. - MN |
Winkleman, Louisa |
Jones, Eli B. - IL |
Wipperman, Anna |
Diehl, William A. - IN |
Witham, Ida Marie |
Davis, John A. - IA |
Witham, Marie |
Davis, John A. - IA |
Witt, Earlene N. |
Johnson, George W. - WI |
Witt, Miss Geraldine |
Hoyt, James L. - NY |
Wolfe, Hazel |
McKane, John W. -IN |
Wolfe, Wilma R. |
McKane, John W. - In |
Wood, Eva M. |
Morrison, George H. - OH |
Woodside, Cora M. |
Riggins, Asa V. - IL |
Worrall, Jean K. |
Vetter, Joshua J. - MI |
Worrest, Ella |
Blewett, Joseph J. - MA |
Zimmerman, Donna B. |
Rouse, Robert E. - IL |