Army of the Republic
Memorial Hall
10th Street & 1st Corso
Nebraska City, Nebraska
Hall, dedicated in March 1895, was more that just a meeting place
for the GAR & WRC. Many groups, both political and social,
were allowed to use the building. Youth groups, temperance meetings
and various women's groups met here. It was a community center.
At one time there were over 100 GAR Halls across Nebraska. Now there are only four, Elmwood, Falls City, Grand Island and Nebraska City. That fact alone makes this building important historically. The hall is a reminder to us and to our children of the presence of Civil War veterans in Nebraska City and the role they played in the growth of this community after the war.
The hall is being restored so that once again it
may play a role in the community as a meeting place and museum.
The William Baumer Post 24, Nebraska City was mustered August 2, 1879. The Post closed in 1935 when William Balfour the last member died.