Pictures from 2001
In Chronological Order

Updated 1/16/02

Pictures from March 2001

Grandma and Grandpa M with CGD during a visit to Massachusetts (2 pictures)
CGD with friends Nicholas and Katherine

Pictures from May 2001

Tom, Rob and CGD outside FAO Schwartz in downtown Boston
Marg with the son of Satan

Pictures from June 2001

Marg, Rob and CGD at Marshfield Beach, MA
CGD's cousin Jane (1)
CGD's cousin Jane (2)
CGD's cousin Meredith (3 pictures)
CGD's cousin Meredith & Aunt Janna (3 pictures)

Pictures from our July 2001 Trip to Cleveland

Marg and CGD on the breakwall at Marg's parents' house on Lake Erie
Cousins Matt, Michael and CGD at Grandma and Grandpa M's house
CGD and Meredith jumping off the board at Mimi and Bobby's pool (3 pictures)
Marilyn, Matthew, Michael, Rob and CGD enjoying the train ride at Cedar Point (2 pictures)
CGD and Marg enjoying a ride at Cedar Point
CGD with "my new fwend Will"
Anne and Jane (CGD's aunt and cousin) at Bobby and Mimi's house
Beth, Craig and Katie relaxing after dinner
Grandma and Grandpa M relaxing with CGD on the banks of Lake Erie
Marg and CGD enjoying a swim in Mimi and Bobby's pool
CGD swimming on his own
CGD swimming with Aunt Beth and Craig
CGD getting ready to jump off the board
Hey Craig, can you do this?

Pictures from August & September 2001

CGD celebrates getting his new glasses - with cake, of course (2 pictures)
CGD with Mimi, Bobby and Daddy at the R.W. zoo (3 pictures)
CGD gets ready to take a ride in Marg's car
Jeff & Melinda on their wedding night talking to Rob on the phone
Rob and CGD at Skaket Beach on Cape Cod
CGD's friend Lauren at Skaket Beach on Cape Cod
CGD and Lauren enjoying vacation on Cape Cod
CGD - looking just like a young Mac Bolan

Picture of Chris B with his new baby girl Katie (born 12/15/01)

Biff & Katie

Pictures from Rob's Surprise 35th Birthday Party (12/15/01)

Surprise(2 pictures)
Rob cutting the cake and being the center of attention (2 pictures)
Rob in performance mode (2 pictures)
The George Washington University crew

Pictures from Christmas 2001

Todd, Jane and Anne
Marg, Rob and CGD visit Biff, Patti and Katie
CGD prepares for the long drive home

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