Pictures from December 1998 and January-February 1999
CGD on his changing table (age 2 weeks)
CGD with bunny (age 2 weeks)
Bobby and Mimi with CGD (age 2 weeks)
CGD "standing" on our rocking chair (age 4 weeks)
CGD doing his sleeping bull impression (age 6 weeks)
CGD making funny faces (age 10 weeks) (4 pictures)
Marg rocking CGD to sleep (age 10 weeks)
CGD laughing at himself in the mirror (age 14 weeks)
Chris L and Lisa C with CGD (age 14 weeks)
CGD's crib
Pictures from our February 1999 Visit to Cleveland
Michael, Matt & Uncle Skip with CGD (age 12 weeks)
Michael & Matt with Marg & CGD (age 12 weeks)
Gramma M. with CGD (age 12 weeks)
The Three Cousins: Matt (age 4), CGD (age 12 weeks) and Michael (age 2)
Grampa M. with CGD (age 12 weeks)
Gigi C. with CGD (age 12 weeks)
Three Generations of Moms with CGD (age 12 weeks)
Cousin Matt and Gramma M. with CGD (age 12 weeks)
Mimi and Bobby with Meredith (age 2 weeks) and CGD (age 12 weeks)
Tom & Jenni B with CGD (age 12 weeks)
Mike & Katie B with CGD (age 12 weeks)
Don M with CGD (age 12 weeks)
Pictures from our February 1999 Visit to Florida:
Gigi F. and Mimi with CGD (age 12 weeks)
CGD looking puzzled but comfy (age 12 weeks)
Daddy (Rob) with CGD (age 12 weeks)
Mommy (Marg) giving CGD a bath (age 12 weeks)
Aunt Beth holding CGD (age 12 weeks)
Daddy (Rob) and CGD taking a snooze(age 12 weeks)
CGD sportin' his first pair of shades (age 12 weeks)
Pictures from Tom, Janna and Meredith's March 1999 Vacation in Florida
Meredith with Tom and Janna at sunset (age 7 weeks)
Tom, Janna and Meredith (age 7 weeks) at the beach
Meredith with Jacob Y
Gabriella Y with her son Jacob
Pictures from March and April 1999
CGD smiling in his Jolly Jumper seat (age 17 weeks)
CGD eating his rice cereal (age 18 weeks)
CGD in his Superman outfit (age 18 weeks)
CGD with his Uncle Jeff on Easter (age 18 weeks)
CGD with Aunt Melinda on Easter (age 18 weeks)
CGD hanging out in his bouncy chair (age 20 weeks)
Pictures from our April 1999 Visit to Florida:
CGD (age 19 weeks) as captain of the Starship Enterprise consulting with his dad
Mike, Mimi (Sarah), CGD, Bobby, Rob and Sam at Sunset
Bobby and Mimi with CGD (age 19 weeks)
Pictures added on 5/24/99
CGD on his tummy (age 5 months)
CGD having fun in his crib (age 5 months)
Daddy making CGD smile (age 5 months)
CGD on his 1st Duck Tour with Uncle Jeff and Aunt Melinda (age 5 months)
Gramma M. and Gigi C. with CGD (age 5 months)
CGD and his dad (age 5 months)
CGD on Gramma M's lap on Mothers' Day (age 5 months)
CGD practicing sitting up (age 5 months)
Pictures of CGD's cousin Meredith (added 5/24/99)
Series of black & white proofs of Meredith (approx. age 12 weeks)
Meredith laughing at the helm of the Starship Enterprise (May 99)
More color pics of Meredith (May 99)
More color pics of Meredith (May 99), cont.
More color pics of Meredith (May 99), cont.
Pictures from our Memorial Day Weekend Trip to Cleveland
Rob, CGD, Dave, Lauren and Gretchen at Chris & Patti's picnic
Rob and CGD at Chris & Patti's picnic
The Fabulous Baker Boys at Chris & Patti's picnic
Rob, CGD and Gretchen at Chris & Patti's picnic
CGD at Chris & Patti's picnic
The Gracious Hosts (Chris and Patti) with CGD
Mike and Bob: Twins in Teal
CGD (age 6 months) and his cousin Meredith (age 4 months)
CGD's first dip in the pool (age 6 months)!
CGD (age 6 months) with his Aunt Beth
Pictures added on 6/21/99
CGD outside in his "scooter" (age 6 months)
CGD and Marg enjoying a nice weekend morning together (age 6 months)
Pictures from our July 1999 Visit to Cleveland
Cousins Matt, CGD & Michael
Aunt Marilyn with CGD (age 8 months)
Aunt Anne and Rob with CGD (age 8 months)!
CGD (age 8 months) and Meredith (age 6 months) competing for the toy piano (2 pictures)
Pictures added on 8/11/99
CGD at age 7 months
CGD sitting in the front yard (age 7 months)
CGD and Rob at the zoo (age 7.5 months)
Pictures from Marg & Charlie's August 1999 Visit to Cleveland
Aunt Cindy with CGD (2 pictures)
Uncle Skip with CGD (age 9 months)
CGD relaxing in Uncle Skip's bean bag chair (age 9 months)
Pictures from our September 1999 Trip to Cape Cod
Rob and CGD at Skaket Beach (2 pictures)
Beth, CGD, Rob, Chris and Lisa at Nauset Beach
Beth and CGD at Nauset Beach (2 pictures)
Cookin' up a little lobster (age 9 months)(2 pictures)
Lovin' vacation on the Cape (age 9 months)(2 pictures)
Pictures from Beth's Marathon Weekend in Maryland/DC (October 23-24, 1999)
3 Pictures from the Marathon
Meredith is elated that the big race is finally over
Beth and CGD (age 11 months) after the big race
Other Pictures from Fall 1999
CGD playing with his toys (age 10.5 months)(2 pictures)
CGD in his first Halloween costume (age 11 months)(3 pictures)
Hiking with Andy, Heather and Adam T up in New Hampshire (2 pictures)
CGD's two favorite activities: Driving his Crazy Coup and pushing his Activity Walker around the house (2 pictures)
Somebody we know loves his ba-ba (bottle) (age 11 months)
Pictures from Thanksgiving and CGD's 1st Birthday in Cleveland
Meredith (age 10 months) intimidating her cousin CGD (age 12 months) on Thanksgiving night (3 pictures)
Meredith during one of her calmer moments (age 10 months)
Michael (age 3) reading to Matt (age 5), Grandma M and CGD (age 1) on CGD's birthday (2 pictures)
CGD sports his birthday hat, then falls asleep with Daddy (3 pictures)
Bobby holds CGD back from the presents (2 pictures)
CGD and his dad respond to everyone singing "Happy Birthday" (2 pictures)
CGD is not sure he wants to eat his Elmo cake (2 pictures)
Mimi shares some insights on proper party etiquette with CGD
CGD's cousin Michael laughing
CGD relaxes with Aunt Beth after all the presents have been opened
CGD with his birthday balloons
Christmas 1999 (*more photos coming soon*)
Meredith meets Santa and reacts just like her daddy did 34 years ago!
CGD caught in the act of trying to open a present early
CGD is so happy it's finally Christmas Eve!
Aunt Marilyn, Michael and Uncle Skip enjoying Christmas morning
Aunt Cindy enjoys Christmas morning with CGD (2 pictures)
Aunt Cathy opens a present, and Gramma M enjoys her new rocking chair with Michael (2 pictures)
Family photo at Bobby and Mimi's house
CGD inspects all the new vehicles at Bobby and Mimi's house (2 pictures)
CGD vs. Meredith: The Car (3 pictures)
Janna, Meredith and Tom enjoy some down time after all the presents have been opened (2 pictures)