Family Treasures is the place to go to learn more about our family keepsakes. Where are they? Who has them? What is the story behind them? This page follows through on an idea Cousin David had several years ago to put together an inventory of family pieces and where they are now. If you have a "treasure" to share with the rest of the family, send us your story and we'll post it right away.
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![]() I remember growin up, we had our family dog named "Mac" who would always be off sniffing and digging and trying to hunt up rabbits. Mac was about as great a dog as any boy could have. But, I also remember takin in a stray that I named "Squealer" for no reason that I can remember. Anyway, Squealer had some bird dog in him and would just stay right with me no matter where we went. If I shot a bird, Squealer would go get it and bring it back. Squealer would also sleep with me and always had to be touchin or leanin against me as we slept. If I moved, Squealer moved and so forth. One day, Squealer was just gone...never knew what happened. We only had Squealer about 9 months. I often wonder what happened to Squealer. |
This is a round, drop-leaf table, made of walnut. Mother Epps used it for meals in her sitting room, when she was older, living alone, and not having to set a family table in the dining room. Once, when visiting Mother Epps, my mom told her how pretty she thought it was. Jerry thought no more about it.
As Mother Epps got older, she ended up moving in with Aunt Ruth for her last years with us. When she broke up housekeeping, and was making decisions about what to do with her stuff, she specified that the table should go to Jerry, who had admired it so many years ago.
It was never used in Jerry's house, but spent several years in the basement of the garage on Brookhaven. Daddy Ben refinished it, and when I got a load of furniture from home to furnish my Whidbey Island house, Mother Epps' table was included. I had also inherited a really beautiful Gone With the Wind lamp from my Aunt Rene, Jerry's sister. I set up the table in my living room, with the Gone With the Wind lamp on it. It was all set back in a corner, out of the range of visiting children and pets.
Since I have moved to Stanwood, and Dick and I have set up our little estate, I have the table and the lamp prominently featured in the living room. I am really proud to tell my friends that the table came from my great-grandmother's house. I expect to be using this table for quite some time to come, but if you are interested in being the next keeper of this keepsake, and are willing to sign the pledge to take REALLY good care of it, and see that it is passed on to a family member who will appreciate and care for it too... just let me know! I will put you on the list, and see if you are still interested when it is time to pass it on!
The chest of drawers was in one of the boys' bedrooms in the basement of the house. It was painted green. And painted green, and painted green. Like about ten coats of green paint. Daddy (Uncle Ben) had retrieved it from the basement of the house when the house was cleaned out after Grandmama passed away. I'm guessing it was stored in the basement of 430 Hillside Drive for several years before he got a round tuit. When it came up to the top of the projects list, Daddy stripped off the green paint and refinished it with stain and varnish. Then it lived for several years in the basement of the house on Brookhaven, used for storing lots of those little treasures like Southern Airways wing pins from Daddy's captain's uniform.
It was about 1995 when Mama helped me furnish my Whidbey house by sending me a truckload of antiques from her collection, and the "old green chest of drawers" (now beautifully refinished) was among them. Then it resided in my guest room in the Whidbey house. When I left the Whidbey house, it stayed in storage for a year, until Dick and I finished our new house. Now, it's back in the guest bedroom, waiting for the cousins to come visit!
(If Uncles Charles, George or Pat remember this chest of drawers, you might fill in some of it's early history for us!!)