Welcome to the Epps Family Cousins Club Website. This site is intended for the enjoyment of the Ben T. Epps and extended family from Athens, Georgia. Anyone else who happens along though, is welcome to enjoy the site as well. If you are interested in the family for any reason, or think you may be a distant cousin or other relative, please contact the webmaster at the email address below. For words from the webmaster, click here. (Best viewed using 800x600 display setting. Updated: June 14, 2006)

For current family events, announcements and information click on: Family News. For historical family photos, awards, articles, and information click on: Family History. For a trip down memory lane click on: Blast From The Past. For a listing of the Latest Postings to the Site, click here. For family "tidbits" that don't fit anywhere else click on the bulletin board below.

Hey! Kuzin Kudzu here. Did y'all ever wonder if Uncle Pat wear's black socks with shorts because he doesn't know any better or is there some other hidden reason. Uncle Harry used to wear red socks and bowties and Uncle George still wears those one-piece coveralls. Uncle Charlie always wears white shirts. Is there something to this? Ask the older Epps and see what you can find out. Let us know. See ya.


Hey......It's been awhile since the last update. The reunion is coming up and so far it has been a great first half of the year. We are loving South Carolina more and more with every passing day. Lake living is just what they say it is....relaxing, calming, beautiful and fun. We have a great bunch of friends here that love to have fun at the drop of a hat. Things could not be better here. Anyway, hope everyone has a safe trip to the 4th. We will hopefully see you there.

Click here to email the Webmaster

as of July 29, 2001:

  • Reunion Wrap-up: Click on 38th Reunion Wrap-Up to see Brian's wedding and reunion pix. Note: This is not all of them. We will post more as we get time, so keep checking.
  • FAMILY TREASURES: A new page to view and read about some of the various family heirlooms and interestin pass-me-downs. Click on Family Treasures to check it out.
  • BULLETIN BOARD: Visit the Bulletin Board to see our newest extended cousin.

as of July 1, 2001:

  • HOW GOES IT: Click on How Goes It for news "From the Prez", an updated Treasurer's report and Highlights from the Spring 01 Newsletter.
  • FAMILY EVENTS: Baby News! Birthdays! Weddings!
  • BULLETIN BOARD: Visit the Bulletin Board to see Cousin David and SEVERAL of our newest family members.
  • FAMILY LINKS: Check out Family Links to learn about Cousin Sylvia's new business venture.

as of January 7, 2001:

  • HOW GOES IT: Click on How Goes It for news "From the Prez", an updated Treasurer's report and Highlights from the Fall and Winter 00 Newsletters.
  • FAMILY EVENTS: Baby News! Birthdays!
  • BULLETIN BOARD: Check out the Bulletin Board to see a couple of our newest cousins at Christmas.

as of September 4, 2000:

  • FAMILY EVENTS: Baby News!
  • BULLETIN BOARD: Check out the Bulletin Board to see Ansley Young at five months. She's REAL cute!!
  • KIDS KORNER: Visit Kids Korner for a look at Terry Epps' homework from her summer class.

as of June 25, 2000:

  • FAMILY EVENTS: Visit Family Events for upcoming birthdays.
  • HOW GOES IT: Click on How Goes It for news "From the Prez" and Highlights from the Summer 00 Newsletter.

as of April 16, 2000:

  • FAMILY EVENTS: Visit Family Events for upcoming birthdays, an impending nuptial, and babies, babies, everywhere!
  • HOW GOES IT: Click on How Goes It for news "From the Prez" and Highlights from the Spring 00 Newsletter.
  • BULLETIN BOARD: Be sure and check out the Bulletin Board to get a glimpse of the newest member of the Harry Epps clan and to see what really happens when you send your kid to College!
  • BLAST FROM THE PAST: To remember how it all started vist Blast from the Past

as of February 16, 2000:

as of January 30, 2000:

as of January 1, 2000:

  • FAMILY EVENTS: Updated family birthdays, anniversaries, and a new baccalaureate degree!
  • WHAT'S NEW: Highlights from the Winter 99 Newsletter.

as of December 7, 1999:

  • BULLETIN BOARD: Verrry cute picture from Cousin David.

as of September 26, 1999:

  • REUNION WRAP-UP: New pictures from Cousin Susan.

as of September 12, 1999:

  • BULLETIN BOARD: Link added to Home Page. Just click on the Bulletin Board at the top of the page to see the latest family tidbits...
  • FAMILY EVENTS: Cousins party on October 9 in Atlanta
  • BIRTHDAYS: Visit Family Events to see who's havin 'em in September, October and November.
  • WHAT'S NEW: Highlights from the Summer 99 Newsletter.
  • FOOD FOR THOUGHT: New entries from Liz and Becky.
  • FAMILY RECIPES: New dessert from Terrie and Brian.