Jesus and Me
My Testimony
Hi, my
name is Linda. Do you know Jesus? Well, He is my friend
and I would like to tell you about Him. But first let me
give you a little background on myself.
I live in south Texas on the coast, which has many nice beaches. I
have been married for nearly thirty two years to a wonderful
husband, who just retired from the U. S. Post Office.
I went
to South Texas Commercial College in Corpus Christi, Texas. I
was a substitute school teacher for years, and this was something
I loved doing.
I love
teaching and working with children. We have two children,
a son and a daughter who are both married. Our daughter
has given us two grand children, who bring us much joy.
I was raised in a Catholic church by good parents. When
my husband and I got married we went to the Baptist church, the
one he had been brought up in. It was in this church that
we both got saved, and also our children were saved at a young
found what was missing from my life, and it was Jesus.
But I was
hungry for more of God, I could not get enough of Him. We
started going to bible studies and church in someone's home that
was from the church we had been in. It was during these
bible studies that my husband and I were filled with the Holy
Spirit, which really changed my life.
When I
received the Holy Spirit, instantly joy hit me and I laughed
for months. Nothing bothered me at all, no matter what happened,
I would laugh and laugh, and had such a peace. Still to
this day I have a lot of joy, and that joy is like a medicine
to me.
Jesus can give that kind of joy.
is also our healer.
He has
healed me of many things, and some very serious things such as Polio
when I was a toddler. My right side was paralyzed, but later
God healed me. Also when I was in high school, the doctors
found I had a brain tumor. But they could not operate because
of the location of the tumor. They said it would leave me completely
paralyzed for the rest of my life. I would have horrible
headaches to the point I would pull my hair out, throw up all
the time, and cry with the pain.
Years later
at a prayer meeting in someone's house, God spoke to one of the
ladies and told her that I was now healed. Within two weeks
there were no more headaches. I was not sick anymore, I
was healed of the brain tumor. Only God can heal, our healing
comes from Him. He is always there for us.
never leaves our side. What an awesome God He is!

While in the
Assembly of God church, God gave me a music ministry. All
of a sudden I had this strong desire that I had to have an organ
to play, but I had never played or even touched an organ in
my life. All I knew was where the note C was on the keyboard. I
felt I had to get an organ, just had to have it. It was
not like you see something and you want it, this was entirely
different. It was a deep need and I knew it was coming from
God. So my husband bought me an organ.
I sat down
at the organ and said, "Okay God, now what do I do with
it?" He told me to play it. I sat there
and laughed and told God,
you want me to play this organ and I have a great desire to play
it because you have given it to me. If you want me to play
it, then Holy Spirit teach me how to play the organ." And I did not want to start out with playing
scales and such, I wanted to play the songs in the hymnal.
So I sat
there looking at the two keyboards, laughing and laughing. So
God taught me how to read the sheet music, and I never dreamed
I would play an organ, especially in a church.
But within
three months I was playing in church the songs 'Just Over In
The Glory Land' and 'I'll Fly Away.' Then I asked God to
teach me to play the music by ear. In no time I was playing
by ear, and this can come only from God.
Now friends,
I tell you only Jesus could do this, it all comes from Him. And
if He can do it for me, I know He can and will do it for you. What
ever God has put in your heart to do, what ever He has called
you to do, don't give up, stay right in there and with prayer
and seeking His face, with Jesus by your side, you can do it. I
could not do a thing without Jesus, for it all comes from
Then God moved us to a non-denominational church where we have
been now for the past 10 years. I have a beautiful pastor
and his wife who are full of God's love. In my church I
was on the praise team for five years playing the keyboard till
I decided to sit out awhile because of the great pain from the
Fibromyalgia that had attacked my body.
But I know
that God is going to heal me of this also, I just know, I know,
I know.
is nothing that God can't do, and with Him all things are possible.
the rest of my testimony, part two.