Here are some poems..*S*.
These were written by me and my friends.
These poems are the exclusive
property of the author's and are NOT
to be used or copied without permission.


~Jaded Promises~

~Where Do I Go Now?~

~The Heart of a Child~

~Lover's Pledge~

~All My Love~

~To Have and To Hold~


~Good-Bye Letter~

~Beyond the Facade~

~Breaking Free~


~Do You?~

~Leave Me Alone~

~Less Then Human~



~This Is Forever~

~Snake Eyes~

~Where from here?~


~I Love You~

~Dedicated to My Dad~

~Letter that Needs to be Read~

~Silent Screams, Stolen Dreams~

POEM #26

POEM #27

POEM #28

POEM #29

POEM #30